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  • Date is exactly "1966-07-21"
Twelve-year-old Billy Doyle of Virginia Beach, VA., shakes hands with astronaut Michael Collins aboard the recovery ship Guadalcanal.
Astronaut Michael Collins above the Western Atlantic as he is hoisted from the water by a recovery helicopter from the prime recovery ship, The USS Guadalcanal.
Astronaut John W. Young, Command Pilot of the Gemini 10 Spacecraft, is hoisted from the water by a recovery helicopter from the prime recovery ship, The USS Guadalcanal.
The crew of the Gemini 10 Spaceflight, Astronauts John W. Young and Michael Collins, arrive aboard the recovery ship USS Guadalcanal.
NASA Photo 66-H-1043, Cape Kennedy, FL, July 21, 1966. Gemini 10 Astronauts John W. Young and Michael Collins join in a shipboard ceremony aboard the USS Guadalcanal after their recovery in the Atlantic Ocean
NASA Photo 66-H-1042, Cape Kennedy, FL, July 21, 1966. Gemini 10 Astronauts Michael Collins and John W. Young explain particulars of their three-day mission to naval officers aboard the USS Guadalcanal.
NASA Photo 66-H-1041, Cape Kennedy, FL, July 21, 1966. Gemini 10 spacecraft containing Astronauts John W. Young and Michael Collins impacted into the Atlantic Ocean.
NASA Photo 66-H-1040, Cape Kennedy, FL, July 21, 1966. The Gemini 10 spacecraft containing Astronauts John W. Young and Michael Collins descends into the Atlantic Ocean.
NASA Photo 66-H-1039, Cape Kennedy, FL, July 21, 1966. A Pararescueman inflates flotation collar under the Gemini 10 Spacecraft containing Astronauts John W. Young and Michael Collins following their splash down in the Atlantic ocecan.
NASA Photo 66-H-1037, Cape Kennedy, FL, July 21, 1966. The Gemini 10 spacecraft containing Astronauts John W. Young and Michael Collins splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean, 460 nautical miles east of Cape Kennedy following a flight of 43 revolutions…
NASA Photo 66-H-1035, Cape Kennedy, FL, July 21, 1966. Twelve-year-old Billy Doyle, of Virginia Beach, Va., shakes hands with Gemini 10 Command Pilot John W. Young aboard the USS Guadalcanal following Young's and Pilot Michael Collins'recovery from…
NASA Photo 66-H-1034, Cape Kennedy, FL, July 21, 1966. Gemini 10 Command Pilot John W. Young autographs life preserver for sailor aboard the USS Guadalcanal following his and Pilot Michael Collins' splash down in the Atlantic Ocean 460 nautical miles…
NASA Photo 66-H-1032, Cape Kennedy, FL, July 21, 1966. Aboard the USS Guadalcanal, prime recovery ship for the Gemini 10 mission, Rear Admiral W. P. Mack, commander of the Western Atlantic recovery goup, shakes hands with Command Pilot John W. Young…
NASA Photo 66-H-1031, Cape Kennedy, FL, July 21, 1966. Gemini 10 Astronauts John W. Young and Michael Collins relax aboard the USS Guadalcanal following their recovery from the Atlantic Ocean. They splashed down 460 nautical miles east of Cape…
NASA Photo 66-H-1029, Cape Kennedy, FL, July 21, 1966. Navy personnel prepare to hoist the Gemini 10 spacecraft aboard the USS Guadalcanal following recovery of Astronauts John W. Young and Michael Collins, 460 nautical miles east of Cape Kennedy.
NASA Photo 66-H-1028, Cape Kennedy, FL, July 21, 1966. Gemini 10 Astronauts, John W. Young and Michael Collins, are welcomed aboard the USS Guadalcanal following their splash down and recovery in the Atlantic Ocean, 460 nautical miles east of Cape…
NASA Photo 66-H-1027, Cape Kennedy, FL, July 21, 1966. Gemini 10 Astronauts John W. Young, command pilot, and Michael Colins, pilot, talk on live radio and television aboard the USS Guadalcanal following their recovery in the Atlantic Ocean.
NASA Photo 66-H-1025, Cape Kennedy, FL, July 21, 1966. Gemini 10 Astronauts John W. Young and Michael Collins are welcomed aboard the USS Guadalcanal following their spalsh down and recovery in the Atlantic Ocean, 460 nautical miles east of Cape…
NASA Photo 66-H-1022, Cape Kennedy, FL, July 21, 1966. John Stonesifer, a NASA landing and recovery official, greets Gemini 10 Astronauts John W. Young and Michael Collins aboard the USS Guadalcanal after the space pilots disembarked from the…
Gemini 10 Astronauts John W. Young and Michael Collins get a welcome from crew of the Carrier Guadalcanal after they were taken aboard following an on-target splashdown from their three day flight.
A three-day growth of beards is sported by Gemini 10 Astronauts John W. Young and Michael Collins, after they were taken aboard the Carrier Guadalcanal.
Gemini 10 Astronaut Michael Collins wears a life belt as he is towed up to a helicopter from raft in the western Atlantic today after splash down of the space craft.
"Recovery Area", USS Guadalcanal, July 21, 1966. A Navy frogman of the USS Guadalcanal recovery team attached the floatation collar to the NASA Gemini 10 spacecraft after splashdown in the Atlantic Ocean.
The huge, striped parachute which eased Gemini 10 down into the western Atlantic after the reentry of the spacecraft collapses in the water as Gemini 10 floats alongside it.
Mike Collins, 3, whose dad, Astronaut Michael Collins has contributed a great deal to America's space program in the last few days, has his own little space kick going.
Seaman Roger Bates of New York City installs flotation collar underwater on the Gemini 10 capsule.
Parachute of the Gemini 10 eases the space craft down into the waters of the western Atlantic.
Mrs. Pat Collins, Wife of Maj. Michael Collins of Gemini 10, and the couple's children meet with newsmen after splashdown today.
Astronaut Michael Collins awaits for John Young to be helped out of the Gemini 10 after their splashdown in the western Atlantic.
Newspaper Articles "The Triumph of the Gemini 10" and "3-Day Trip Ends With Bagful of Records" (07/21/66)
Daily News Headline "Mike Zip-Guns to Flying Agena But Fuel Gap Cuts Trip Short", July 21, 1966.
Daily News Article "1st Space Walk Between 2 Vehicles" from July 21, 1966.
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