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Date is exactly "1975"
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APA, The 1975 Bugle, pg335
AKA, The 1975 Bugle, pg334
HumanRelations, The 1975 Bugle, pg455
Alpha Phi Alpha, Jefferson National Park, 1975
SquadL, The 1975 Bugle, 328
AirForceSpecial, The 1975 Bugle, 426-427
Larry Cooke, Men's Basketball, the 1975 Bugle, pg 295
Russell Davis, Men's Basketball, the 1975 Bugle, pg 295
Phil Rogers, Men's Football, 1975
Huston Conley, 1975
Earl T. Brown, 1975
The 1975 Bugle
Presentation drawing for Aliamanu Valley Community, Honolulu, Hi., 1975 (Ms1992-019)
Presentation drawing 4F1 for large multi-family housing complex, Aliamanu Valley Community. Ink on design vellum. Project #0660
Presentation drawing for Aliamanu Valley Community, Honolulu, Hi., 1975 (Ms1992-019)
Presentation drawing 5H1 for large multi-family housing complex, Aliamanu Valley Community. Ink on design vellum. Project #0660
Presentation drawing for Aliamanu Valley Community, Honolulu, Hi., 1975 (Ms1992-019)
Presentation drawing 7M2 for large multi-family housing complex, Aliamanu Valley Community. Ink on design vellum. Project #0660
Presentation drawing for Aliamanu Valley Community, Honolulu, Hi., 1975 (Ms1992-019)
Presentation drawing 8M2 for large multi-family housing complex, Aliamanu Valley Community. Ink on design vellum. Project #0660
Photograph of a student in a dorm room, 1975
Photograph of two women students in a dorm with a sign reading "No prison labor beyond this point," 1974
"No Prison Labor Beyond This Point," 1974
State Senate Campaign in Scott County
Boucher speaks to Scott County residents
State Senate Campaign in Scott County
Boucher speaks to a store owner
State Senate Campaign in Scott County
Boucher shakes hands with a store owner
State Senate Campaign in Scott County
Boucher speaks to workers
State Senate Campaign in Scott County
Boucher speaks to a grocery shopper
State Senate Campaign in Scott County
Boucher shakes hands with a store owner
Boucher and Robert Winneger
Boucher shakes hands with Robert Winneger in Scott County
Boucher and Helen Waddell
Boucher speaks with Helen Waddell in Smyth County
Boucher on Campaign
Boucher speaks to a resident of Wythe County while campaigning
Boucher and Pat Jennings
Boucher stands with former congressman, Pat Jennings, while waiting for election results in Smyth county
Boucher and Archie Campbell
Boucher talks to Archie Campbell while campaigning in Wytheville, Virginia
Boucher in a Coal Mine
Boucher tours a coal mine while on campaign for Congress
Congressional Campaign
Boucher gives a speech while campaigning
Receiving Election Results
Boucher gets news of his Congressional win over the phone in his campaign headquarters in Abingdon, Virginia
Boucher Campaigns
Boucher shakes hands with a Pulaski County resident
Boucher Talks to Farmers
Boucher shakes hands with a farmer and Billy Meeks in the Sugar Grove community in Smyth County
Town Meeting
Boucher speaks at a town meeting
Boucher Campaigns
Boucher shakes hands with a resident of Tazewell County
Town Meeting
Boucher speaks at a town meeting in Scott county while campaigning for State Senate
Election Night
Boucher receives the results of the state senate race in Abingdon, Virginia
Election Results
Boucher awaits election results in Abingdon, Virginia for the State Senate election with his staff
Town Meeting
Boucher leaves a town meeting
Boucher Campaigns
Boucher speaks to residents of Southwest Virginia while campaigning for State Senate
Boucher Campaigns
Boucher speaks to a man while campaigning for State Senate
Boucher Interview
Boucher is interviewed as part of his State Senate campaign
Boucher Explains
Boucher reviews a document with another man
Boucher in Mendota
Boucher speaks with Mendota in Washington County
Boucher Tours Road Construction
Boucher speaks to a road construction worker while running for State Senate
Boucher and a Farmer
Boucher speaks to a farmer while campaigning
Presenting a Bill
Boucher holds a copy of a bill being presented to the State Senate
Boucher Speaks to a Crowd
Boucher stands at a podium, giving a speech to a crowd of residents
Boucher Speaks to a Tazewell County Farmer
Boucher speaks to a farmer in Tazewell County while campaigning
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