Browse Items (18 total)

  • Date is exactly "1976"

A portrait of the lawyers of the Penn, Stuart, Eskridge, and Jones law firm in Abdingon, Virginia. (L to R Front Row): GRC Stuart, William A. Stuart, Bill Eskridge, and Jack Hemmings. (L to R Back Row): Rick Boucher, Tom Fowlkes, James P. Jones, and…

Boucher was filmed in Washington, D.C. as part of a commercial for Admiral Zumwalt who was the democratic nominee in Virginia for the U.S. Senate

Virginia Techs 125th Anniversary Blacksburg Was Incorporated Year Before Virgin.pdf
Article by Mrs. W. D. Altman from the July 1, 1976 Montgomery News Messenger Bicentennial Edition.

Homecoming queen candidate put forward by human relations council. The Bugle 1976, pg 444

Angela Harris, Cheerleader. The 1976 Bugle, pg 237

Newspaper article from the Seattle Times that features Jean Young and several other architects who founded the group S.H.E., Sisters for a Human Environment.

Conceptual drawing for the Vons Meat Processing facility showing the building; surrounding landscape; and pedestrians and detail drawings and structural plan for the facility.
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