Browse Items (5 total)

  • Date is exactly "Apr.- May 2002"

2020-005_36_025_001 (1).jpg
A copy of the oath taken by Dr. Cutler upon his appointment to the Board of Trustees for the Virginia Outdoors Foundtion.

The final vote counts for the election which Dr. Cutler won to become a City Council member

2020-005_36_030_002 (1).jpg
Promotional materials distributed by Dr. Cutler when he was running for Roanoke City Council

2020-005_36_030_003 (1).jpg
Promotional materials distributed by Dr. Cutler when he was running for Roanoke City Council

2020-005_36_030_004 (1).jpg
Promotional materials distributed by Dr. Cutler when he was running for Roanoke City Council
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