Studio portrait of the Henry H. Wilson family. From left: Lily Norwood Wilson, Henry Harrison Wilson, Lily Tyler Wilson, Henry Harrison Wilson II, and James Hoge Tyler Wilson, n.d.
NASA Educational Brief #1002, titled "Nutrition in Space: Project Gemini," which provides information about meals given to astronauts while in space. Attached is NASA Educational Brief #10004, "Gemini Spacesuits," which details the parts of an…
This black and white rendering shows NASA's manned space station. Part of the station is circled, likely because James Dean used it as a reference for another drawing.
Site plan drawing of a concept for a high-rise city with areas designated for residential and commercial activiites, recreation, transit, and so forth.
Sanctuay elevation and sidewall elevation drawings for the private capel at Saint Thomas Parish. Work was completed as part of Rodeck's Regina Institute of Sacred Art.
Pencil sketch of a building and courtyard showing outdoor decoration and figures for scale. Work was completed as part of Rodeck's Regina Institute of Sacred Art.