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Sticker, Life Fest, n.d. (Ms2014-010)
Sticker for Life Fest, Virginia Tech's concert for AIDS education, research, and treatment held in Lane Stadium on September 8, 1989.
Table Tent Card, Lambda Horizon, n.d. (Ms2014-010)
Dining hall table tent card created by Lambda Horizon advertisingg the group's presence on Virginia Tech's campus.
Member Ribbon, Grand United Order of Odd Fellows of Blacksburg, Tadmore Light Lodge #6184 (Ms1988-009)
Blue member ribbon with gold print and tassels and "member" pin.
Photograph, Ginger Wagner and [unknown] on the porch of house in New Town
Ginger Wagner and unnamed individual sitting on porch of a New Town house (exact date unknown).
Photograph, New Town house with white car under carport
New Town house with white car under carport (exact date unknown).
Photograph, New Town House
New Town House (exact date unknown).
Photograph, New Town House 2
New Town House 2 (exact date unknown).
Photograph, Laura Lee Anderson and [unknown] on the porch of a house in New Town
Laura Lee Anderson and unnamed individual (exact date unknown).
Blacksburg Museum and Cultural Foundation Logo.
Map of the Town of Blacksburg, Showing the Present Location of the Negro Population
Map of early Blacksburg showing "present location of the negro population" (exact date unknown).
Photograph, "Negro School" in Blacksburg, near Clay Street
Photograph of "Negro school house" building (ca. 1948) in Blacksburg. From "A Negro Neighborhood for Blacksburg, Virginia," by Martha Shupp Phillilps. Master's Thesis in Architecture (1948),
G.U.O.O.F. Thanksgiving Program
Thanksgiving service program of Grand United Order of Odd Fellows (exact date unknown).
Map of VA/TN Railroad
Drawn color map of VA/TN railroad lines (exact date unknown).
Deed, Vaughn Property
Handwritten Vaughn property deed (exact date unknown).
Deed, Watson Property
Handwritten Watson property deed (exact date unknown).
Map of Blacksburg Railroad
Drawn map of Blacksburg Railroad (exact date unknown).
Photograph, St. Paul A.M.E. Church, Blacksburg
St Johns Day: St Paul A.M.E. Church, Blacksburg, VA (exact date unknown).
Designation of Company Commanders, signed Robert T. Preston, undated (Ms1992-003)
List, Number of Extra Guns and Cartridges in the Companies, undated (Ms1992-003)
Letter, Thomas Jordan to Col. R. T. Preston, undated (Ms1992-003)
Discharge of 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin Wilkes Jr., undated (Ms1992-003)
Orders and correspondence between General Longstreet and Col. Preston at Mason's Hill, Fairfax, undated (Ms1992-003)
Request to Assume Former Position at Mason's Hill, Signed Col. Preston, undated (Ms1992-003)
Marching Orders, From Col. Preston, undated (Ms1992-003)
Letter, Orders and correspondence between General Longstreet and Col. Preston at Mason's Hill, Fairfax, undated (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To General Longstreet from Col. Preston, Confirming That He Obey Orders Just Received, undated (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, From General Longstreet to Commanding Officers, Mason's Hill, Fairfax County, undated (Ms1992-003)
Letter, from Col. Preston to General Longstreet, regarding orders, undated (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, from General Longstreet and Col. Preston to Colonels, undated (Ms1992-003)
Morning Report, undated (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Officer in Charge, undated (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Officer in Charge, undated, no.2 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Orders from Col Preston, undated (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Fragment of Detail Orders to Col. Preston, undated (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, No. 10: Order of punishment of James W. Johnson for leaving camp and being drunk, undated (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, No. 9: Prepare and hold in readiness to march to Lynchburg Sunday morning the 26th, By order of Col. Preston, undated (Ms1992-003)
Supplies due to 28th Va Regiment. Signed by C. C. M. Phail, Ordnance Store Keeper, undated (Ms1992-003)
Letter, M. P. Preston to Col. R. T. Preston, undated (Ms1992-003)
Requisition for Ordnance and Ordnance Stores for the Use of Company K, 28th Regiment of Va Volunteers, Signed by General Breckenridge, undated (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Subsistence of Officers, undated (Ms1992-003)
Transfer Request, From Major Allen to Col Robert T. Preston, undated (Ms1992-003)
Moonshine Still
Meadows of Dan, VA
Lera Rakes Teaching Her Daughter How To Basket Weave
Woman stirring apple butter
Nora Treece cooks apple butter
Quilting Party
The lining for a patchwork quilt is being laid at the home of Alice Dehart on Rockcastle Creek south of the Blue Ridge hill country.
Two pages from a typescript draft of
by Lucy Herndon Crockett.
Two pages of a typescript ofCapitan, a novel by Crockett, published in 1940. This typescript includes edits and notes by the author.
Poem, "Varium et Mutbaile Semper Femina"
Poem written by Lucy Dickinson Urquhart.
Poem, "Musical Reduction"
Poem written by Lucy Dickinson Urquhart.
Short story/antedote, "A Gentleman's Agreement"
Short story/anecdote written by Lucy Dickinson Urquhart.
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