This newspaper article discusses the closing of Piedmont Sanatorium and the opposition it created. Some organizations did not want the institution to close or change into a different hospital.
This newspaper article is about the transition of Piedmont and other Sanatoriums into mental health hospitals. However, this decision at this point was delayed for another year.
This newspaper article discusses the annual program planning conference about tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases affecting Virginia's population.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (sitting, fourth from left) and seven unidentified people, one of whom is standing behind the rest talking at a podium.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (right) and four unidentified men, mostly in tuxedos, posing for the photograph. Two of the men are holding certificates.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (second from right) talking with an unidentified man at a dinner table with other unidentified people sitting beside them.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak standing next to a podium at the City College of New York Alumni Banquet. Marshak is talking with an unidentified group of people.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak standing behind the podium at the City College of New York Alumni Banquet. A banner in the background says "[C]CNY Alumni Association". There are several unidentified people clapping and listening.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left) and an unidentified man posing. The two men are wearing graduation robes, and Marshak's robe contains the seal of the City College of New York.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left) and an unidentified man. The two are wearing graduation robes, and Marshak's robe contains the seal of the City College of New York.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (center) with two unidentified men, all wearing graduation robes and posing for the photograph. Marshak's robe contains the seal of the City College of New York.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (center) and two unidentified men at a graduation ceremony posing for a photograph. The ceremony is likely at City College of New York.