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  • Description is exactly "Michael Goode, born in Richmond, Virginia, attended Virginia Tech from 2001 to 2006, majoring in business information technology. While at Virginia Tech he felt disconnected from the culture as it was predominately white, which led him to take part in student government and the Commission on Equal Opportunity and Diversity.

    Levi Daniels, born in Washington D.C., went to Virginia Tech from 2000 to 2005 and studied accounting information systems and management. He became involved in student life his junior year, taking part in the Black Student Alliance, the VT Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers, and working with international students.

    The two met while forming Virginia Tech's Student African American Brotherhood as students. In this interview, Michael and Levi talk about their experiences as racial minorities in a predominately White institution, especially relating to outreach and forming communities.
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