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  • Description is exactly "Pat Hyer grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, in a household where education was paramount. She attended undergraduate school at Hillsdale College, receiving a scholarship to the University of Michigan for a master’s degree in French. After working for a few years, she returned to the University of Michigan for another master’s degree in community college and adult education. She moved to Virginia for her husband’s Ph.D., and began working with female activists groups at ODU. She got her Ph.D. from Virginia Tech, and stayed to work on faculty.

    In this interview, Pat covers her life and education before Virginia Tech, her work in feminist activism at the school – including establishing the Women’s Center – and working as the state coordinator for the Virginia Network of Women in Higher Education. "

Pat Hyer.jpg
Pat Hyer grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, in a household where education was paramount. She attended undergraduate school at Hillsdale College, receiving a scholarship to the University of Michigan for a master’s degree in French. After working for a few…
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