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- Description is exactly "<p>Sympathy card contains a drawing of the HokieBird as a phoenix rising out of ashes over the date "4.16.07" next to what is presumably the artist's signature [illegible].</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Next to the head of the HokieBird are the words, "We will carry them with us, in our hearts, Forever." </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Next to the bottom of the HokieBird are the words, </p>
<p>"Like a Phoenix, </p>
<p>we will rise out </p>
<p>of the ashes of </p>
<p>Tragedy, </p>
<p>Never forgetting </p>
<p>Those who are no </p>
<p>longer with us, </p>
<p>But Having the </p>
<p>strength to know </p>
<p>we must go on </p>
<p>In loving memory of </p>
<p>The victims, my fellow </p>
<p>Hokies, my brothers and </p>
<p>My sisters." </p>
<p> </p>
<p>At the bottom center is the phrase "We will prevail..."</p>"
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