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Exterior, Solitude outbuilding and Duck Pond in the snow
B&W image.
Exterior, Solitude front porch with large trees
B&W image.
Exterior, Clothesline with clothes hanging outside Solitude
B&W image.
Exterior, Solitude front porch
B&W image.
Exterior, view of Solitude, taken from across the Duck Pond
B&W image.
Exterior, side entrance to Solitude with porch and landscaping
B&W image.
Exterior, detail of a summer beam resting on a stump
B&W image.
Exterior, view of Solitude front porch
B&W image.
Exterior, view of Solitude side entrance
B&W image.
Aerial view of Solitude with campers (housing)
B&W image.
Exterior, view of Solitude with trees
B&W image.
Exterior, front doors
B&W image.
Exterior, rear chimneys and side door
B&W image.
Interior, detail, trim and double doors to the parlor
B&W image.
Interior, boarded up fire place, wainscot in the old "Hokie Club Room"
B&W image.
Interior, second floor hall balustrade, seen from below
B&W image.
Exterior, Solitude front porch
B&W image.
Exterior, old spring house, rear view
B&W image.
Interior, detail, floorboards nailed to joists
B&W image.
Interior, newel post, staircase in the entryway
B&W image.
Interior, detail, interior pediment over entryway doors
B&W image.
Interior, detail, interior window trim, parlor window
B&W image.
Exterior, detail, summer beam resting on stump and rocks
B&W image.
Interior, detail, wood pegs (interior staircase?)
B&W image.
Interior, detail, bond, rear chimney
B&W image.
Interior, width of walls as seen from the parlor
B&W image.
Interior, sashless window, rear bedroom
B&W image.
Interior, detail of window trim, front bedroom
B&W image.
Interior, detail of window group, second floor landing
B&W image.
Interior, detail of door trim, front bedroom, new addition
B&W image.
Interior, detail of door trim, living room
B&W image.
Interior, detail of window trim, living room
B&W image.
Interior, detail of basement stairs
B&W image.
Exterior, detail of brick foundation
B&W image.
Exterior, wagon tracks in tree shadow, old spring house in the background
B&W image.
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