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  • Description is exactly "Front Row (left to right): Sandra Stiner Lowe, Ben J. Davenport, Jr. - Vice Rector, Charles W. Steger, John G. Rocovich, Jr. - Rector, Diane L. Zahm - Faculty Representative. Middle Row (left to right): Michael Anzilotti, T. Rodman Layman, Jacob A. Lutz III, Philip S. Thompson, Myrna Callison - Graduate Student Representative, James W. Severt, Sr.. Back Row (left to right): L. Bruce Holland, Mitchell O. Carr, John R. Lawson II, Thomas L. Robertson, Hemant Kanakia, A. Ronald Petera, Allan J. Bradley."

Front Row (left to right): Sandra Stiner Lowe, Ben J. Davenport, Jr. - Vice Rector, Charles W. Steger, John G. Rocovich, Jr. - Rector, Diane L. Zahm - Faculty Representative. Middle Row (left to right): Michael Anzilotti, T. Rodman Layman, Jacob A.…
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