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- Description is exactly "Front Row (left to right): William D. "Bill" Fairchild III; Deborah L. Petrine - Rector; Timothy D. Sands - President; James L. Chapman IV - Vice Rector; Michael J. Quillen. Middle Row (left to right):
Walter D. "Dan" Cook III - Staff Representative; Mehmood S. Kazmi; Keith "B. K." Fulton; Charles T. "C. T." Hill; Morgan Sykes - Undergraduate Student Representative; Mohammed S. Seyam - Graduate Student Representative. Back Row (left to right): Horacio A. Valeiras; Dennis H. Treacy; Nancy V. Dye, M.D.; Rami A. Dalloul - Faculty Representative; Steve Sturgis; J. Thomas Ryan, M.D.; Wayne H. Robinson. Not Pictured: Mehul P. Sanghani."
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