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An undated letter from Hans A. Bethe to Robert E. Marshak about a paper that Marshak had sent to him. Bethe is giving advice to Robert E. Marshak about his writing and asking questions about some of the math in the paper.

Letter from Hans A. Bethe to Robert E. Marshak, dated May 7, 1951, and discussing several different physics experiments that they were conducting.

Letter from Hans A. Bethe to Robert E. Marshak, dated July 25, 1939, and discussing a manuscript that Marshak had sent. Bethe is offering advice to Robert E. Marshak about his paper and publication.

Letter, dated May 5, 1954, from Robert E. Marshak to Enrico Fermi discussing some problems that Marshak had noticed in regards to lectures that they were giving at "Les Houches", which is probably a reference to École de Physique des Houches (the…

Letter from A. Matveyev to J. Robert Oppenheimer discussing the program of an upcoming physics conference.

Affidavit filled out by H. Halban of the National Research Council of Canada (Montreal Laboratory) for Robert E. Marshak for the Selective Service System in 1943. Halban lists Marshak's duties as performing "secret war research work in specialized…

The February 19, 1987 report on the council delegation visit to the U. S. S. R. from February 2 through February 6 contains remarks from the delegation members--Peter G. Peterson, Henry A. Kissinger, and Cyrus R. Vance--to the Council on Foreign…

Letter (photocopy) from Richard P. Feynman to Robert E. Marshak, dated August 17, 1985, talking about Feynman's joint paper and relationship with Murray Gell-Mann and giving credit to E. C. George Sudarshan and Marshak for their work. Feynman is…

Carbon copy of letter from Richard P. Feynman to Enrico Fermi about new physics research.

Letter from Albert Einstein to Robert E. Marshak dates August 6, 1947. Einstein as chairman of the Emergency Committee of Atomic Sciences, Inc., is asking Marshak and others to push for peace and to ask that the atomic bomb is never used again.
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