The Class V No. 956 was 1 of 12 froom Baldwin in October 1900 that cost $14500 each with TE-29193, DW-56",BP-200#, Cyl.-19-1/2x 28, GA-32.6 sq. ft; WD-122000,WE-156550;WT -8468880, TC- 8.5 coal ahnd 4000 water. It was rebuilt with Baker valve gear…
Negative no. taken at Roanoke Shops after heavy shop repairs. The 125 was built by Brooks in May 1919, dismantled 12/20/1957. compiled: 2/20/1975 AMB, Sr.
Negative no. 10263. Specifications: built by Richmond in December 1905 as 1 of 5 costing $16016 each and were the first Pacific type steam locomotives operated by N&W
Negative no. 10235 taken near White Post, Virginia on the Shenandoah Valley Line. For specifications see negative no. 10261. The 557 was built by Baldwin in June 1912. dismantled 9/14/1951. compiled: 2/19/1975 AMB Sr.
Negative 9289. Made by American Locomotive co., at richmond VA in january 1927 when locomotive was built. For specifications see neg. 9268 or 9288. the 2083 was delivered in January 1927 and dismantled 7 March 1958. Compiled: 10 Febraury 1976, AMB,…