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Altavista Station and the Royal Scot passing by
Altavista Station and the Royal Scot passing by
Baggage Car
Baggage Car
Building in the Snow, Roanoke, Virginia
Building in the Snow, Roanoke, Virginia
Models In Bedroom Of New Pullman Car
Models In Bedroom Of New Pullman Car
N & W Precision Transportation advertisement
N & W Precision Transportation advertisement
"A Century of Service" advertisement poster (1838-1938)
"A Century of Service" advertisement poster (1838-1938)
"A Likely Spot" - Advertisement
"A Likely Spot" - Advertisement
"A Natural" advertisement
"A Natural" advertisement
"A Summer Portrait" Traffic World Advertisement
"A Summer Portrait" Traffic World Advertisement
"Aggie" Hall across the Drill Field
"Aggie" Hall across the Drill Field
"Are you using the right fuel"
"Are you using the right fuel"
"Art Gallery," Room in E company, Virginia Tech
"Art Gallery," Room in E company, Virginia Tech
"Balance" Traffic World Advertisement
"Balance" Traffic World Advertisement
"Becky" Starke and "Splinter" Wood
Becky Starke, left tackle (173 lbs.) Splinter Wood, right tackle (181 lbs.)
"Bob" Bowman Hitching Up His Mule
"Bob" Bowman Hitching Up His Mule
"Bull" Eskridge and "Nig" Ingles
Bull Eskridge, right halfback, 166 lbs. Nig Ingles, left halfback, 164 lbs.
"Butsie" Tredwell and "Big" Johnson
Butsie Tredwell, right end, 160 lbs. Big Johnson, left end, 160 lbs.
"Columbus" George Hildt King
"Columbus" George Hildt King
"Cutting Grit" walking off demerits
"Cutting Grit" walking off demerits
"Dog Days" Traffic World Advertisement
"Dog Days" Traffic World Advertisement
"Dud" Shelhorse
"Dud" Shelhorse, E Company, Class of 1934
"Follow the Flag - WABASH" advertisemtnt
"Follow the Flag - WABASH" advertisemtnt
"Founder's Shack" at Alice Lloyd College, Kentucky
"Founder's Shack" at Alice Lloyd College, Kentucky
"He blanketed the swamp" advertisement
"He blanketed the swamp" advertisement
"Herkie" Temple
"Herkie" Temple
"Herkie" Temple at Window
"Herkie" Temple at Window
"Herkie" Temple on V.P.I. campus
"Herkie" Temple on V.P.I. campus
"I know my Dad will be home on the 7:15 Train."
"I know my Dad will be home on the 7:15 Train."
"In Step with National Defense" Advertisement
"In Step with National Defense" Advertisement
"In this Winter's Blitz" advertisement
"In this Winter's Blitz" advertisement
"Jumbo" Pelter and "Obie" Whitehurst
Jumbo Pelter, right guard (241 lbs.) Obie Whitehurst, fullback (130 lbs.)
"Lets Keep Christ In Christmas" - Advertisement
"Lets Keep Christ In Christmas" - Advertisement
"Military Calisthenics" - Springfield "Trapdoor" Rifles
"Military Calisthenics" - Springfield "Trapdoor" Rifles
"National Defense" Slogan
"National Defense" Slogan
"National Defense" Slogan
"National Defense" Slogan
"Nig" Ingles
"Nig" Ingles
"Norfolk and Western Railway Precision Transportation" Sign
"Norfolk and Western Railway Precision Transportation" Sign
"Our Bid for Your Business" Slogan
"Our Bid for Your Business" Slogan
"Picking Grapes" - Illustration for Hotel Roanoke Wine List
"Picking Grapes" - Illustration for Hotel Roanoke Wine List
"Plowing Back" advertisement
"Plowing Back" advertisement
"Proofing Down"
"Proofing Down"
"Rails to Victory" Advertisement
"Rails to Victory" Advertisement
"Serving the Nation at War" Advertisement
"Serving the Nation at War" Advertisement
"Serving the Nation at War" Slogan
"Serving the Nation at War" Slogan
"Serving the Nation at War" Slogan
"Serving the Nation at War" Slogan
"Sincerity" Traffic World Advertisement
"Sincerity" Traffic World Advertisement
"Slate Dump"
"Slate Dump"
"Stone House" (Administration Building)
"Stone House" (Administration Building)
"Submarine" Moonshine Still
"Submarine" Moonshine Still
"Sunshine" and "Preston" hospital attendants at Virginia Tech
"Sunshine" and "Preston" hospital attendants at Virginia Tech
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