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  • Publisher is exactly "Digital Library and Archives, University Libraries, Virginia Tech"
Notes about the painting from Cheryl (Luna) Robinson, VT Class of 1980, Elementary Education: In New Orleans, a Jazz Funeral includes a Second Line, where mourners do follow the family in parade fashion from the church to the burial site, and theā€¦
Sent for first anniversary. Painting depicts students at a candlelight vigil.
This memorial textile was presented to the University Libraries by Lumbantoruan's parents when they came to Virginia Tech to accept his degree. Lumbantoruan had been an employee at Newman Library.
Two views of a glossy poster with photograph of the group with an airplane behind them with messages and signatures around the border
Three views of one yellow and multi-colored handmade quilt
Drawing features portraits of the victims
Crown was found on Virginia Tech Drillfield
Two views of a written message
One view of a carved wooden box holding banners and four views of a signed banner
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