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Relation is exactly "Blue Grass Trail and Sinking Creek"
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Christian Church Parsonage. House. Built in 1950.
One story brick house with a front stoop. Owned by the Christian Church Parsonage, built in 1950
Tim and Carolyn Bell. House. Built in 1986.
2/3 story modern house with entry archways & a front garden. Owned by Tmi & Carolyn Bell, built in 1986
WPA Retaining Wall. Built in 1933.
Water retaining wall for WPA, built in 1933
WPA Newport Agriculture Building. Built in 1936
Blank back of a photograph
WPA Newport High School. Built in 1933. Side View
Outside of brick WPA Newport High School building, built in 1933
WPA Newport High School. Built in 1933.
Outside of brick WPA Newport High School building, built in 1933
WPA Sidewalk (2)
Side walk running along the side of Newport Highschool
WPA Sidewalk (1)
Sidewalk located next to a grassy yard and a street
J. E. Sutphin House. Richard Solano. Built in 1950.
J.E. Sutphin House: Two-story house with a one car garage attached. Owned by Richard Solano, built in 1950
Sutphins Barn. Donnie Martin. House. 1950, 1994
Sutphins Barn: Large one story barn behind a one story manufactured home. Owned by Donnie Martin, built in 1950 & 1994 respectively
Earl Echols. House. Built in 1992.
One story white paneled house with an American flag hanging out front. Owned by Earl Echols, built in 1992
Clem and Libby Ackerman. House. Built in 1979.
Two story house with a front porch and two car driveway. Owned by Clem & Libby Ackerman, built in 1979
Clem and Libby Ackerman. Fish Pond. Built in 1986.
Small fish pond with a dock and glass A-frame greenhouse. Owned by Clem & Libby Ackerman, built in 1986
Blue Grass Trail. Virginia Scenic Byway.
Photo of a street surronded by trees. Part of Virginia's Scenic Byway
Giles County Historical sign.
Historic Sign explaining the orgin and name of Giles County, VA
Blue Grass Trail sign.
White wooden sign located atop Dolan Radar's mailbox "497; Blue Grass Trail; 488"
Zells Mill Ruins.
Flowing stream next to a dirt road. Location of old Zells' Mill
Bill and Clara Kinzle. Cellar and Meathouse. Built 1924.
One and a half story Cellar and Meathouse. Owned by Bill & Claar Kinzle, built in 1924
Billy and Clara Kinzle. House. Built in 1924.
Three story house with a wrap around porch and white wooden fence. Owned by Billy & Clara Kinzle, built in 1924
Joe and Donna Pitt. Farmstead. Built in 1974.
Old trailer in foreground, horses grazing in a fenced in pasture in the background. Owned by Joe & Donna Pitt, built in 1974
Joe and Donna Pitt. Barn. Built in 1974.
One story barn attached to a pasture shaded by trees. Owned by Joe & Donna Pitt, built in 1974
Joe and Donna Pitt. House. Built in 1974.
Three story geometric house with a wrap around porch and ramp. Owned by Joe & Donna Pit, built in 1974
Jane Janey Place. John and January Allard.
Jane Janey House: one story house on a hill next to a paved road. Owned by John & January Allard
Calvin and Virginia Lucas. Barn. Built in 1960.
One story barn with the letters " C B L" written on it. Owned by Calvin & Virginia Lucas, built in 1960
Calvin and Virginia Lucas. House. Built in 1985.
One and a half story house with a wrap around house and attached covered carport. Owned by Calvin & Virginia Lucas, built in 1985
Calvin and Virginia Lucas. House. Built in 1990.
One story house on a hill. Owned by Calvin & Virginia Lucas, built in 1990
Tawney's Cave.
Small opening in rocks to Tawney's Cave in Giles County
Claude and Ida Link. House. Mike Newsome. Built in 1925.
Claude & Ida Link House: Two-story white house surronded closely by trees. Owned by Mike Newsome, built in 1925
Mike Newsome. Farmland, Barn. Built in 1925.
Pastures, trees, and one story barn located in the Appalachian Mountains. Owned by Mike Newsome, built in 1925
Claude and Ida Link. Farmstead. Mike Newsome. Built in 1920.
Claude & Ida Link Farmstead: Two-story house with a detached shed & wire fence. Owned by Mike Newsome, built in 1920
James Washington. House. Built in 1988
Distant photot of a white house obscured by trees. Owned by James Washington, built in 1988
Edgar and Pam Seibert. House. Built 1990 (side view)
Street view of a one story home with a brick foundation. Owned by Edgar & Pam Seibert, built in 1990
John and Amy Thurman. House. Built in 1987.
Two-story house with a multi-level roof in a large pasture. Owned by John & Amy Thurman, built in 1987
Ray and Betty Collins. Barn. Built in 1956.
One story barn in a large field. Owned by Ray & Betty Collins, built in 1956
Ray and Betty Collins. House. Built in 1991.
House obscured by a hill, surronded by trees. Owned by Ray & Betty Collins, built in 1991
Terry and Catherine Quinn. Corral. Built in 1977.
A small barn attached to a horse pasture with two horses in it. Located next to a dirst road & other pastures. Owned by Terry & Catherine Quinn, built in 1977
Terry and Catherine Quinn
Two-story brown cabin located on a hill, Owned by Terry & Catherine Quinn, built in 1977
Betty Busby. Houses. Side View. Built in 1980s.
One story manufactured home located next to a creek with a rocky shore. Owned by Betyy Busny, built in the 1980s
Betty Busby. House. Built in 1980s.
One story manufactured home located next to a creek with a rocky shore. Owned by Betyy Busny, built in the 1980s
Close-up of covered Bridge 601. Built 1916.
Street view of a wooden covered bridge on Route 601, built in 1916
Covered Bridge 601. Built 1916.
Street view of a wooden covered bridge on Route 601, built in 1916
Richard Shingles and Wendy Jacobson. House. Built 1976.
Two story house on a hil with a large fenced in yard. Owned by Richard Shingles & Wendy Jacobson, built in 1976
Harold and Pam Kurstedt
Two-story white house with columns and two christmas wreaths. Owned by Harold & Pam Kurstedt, built in 1920
Roy Dunford. House Far View. Built 1880.
Two story house with a balcony on a hill. Owned by Ray Dunfordm built in 1880
Roy Dunford. House. Built 1880.
Two-story white house with a balcony, surronded by debris. Owned by Roy Dunford, built in 1880
Spraker Smith. Houses. Built in 1970
Two one story white houses with a front porch, both located behind a creek with a bridge. Owned by Spraker Smith, built in 1970
Fred and Laverne Lafon. House. Built in 1901
Two-story house with a metal roof, wrap around porch & brick foundation on a hill. Owned by Fred & Laverne Lafon, built in 1901
Givens Mill. Foundation. Built in mid 1800s
Stone foundation to the former Givens Mill, waterfall flowing in the background. Built in the mid 1800's
Givens Mill. Pond and Dam. Built in mid 1800s
Photo of a small pond and dam next to a road. Givens mill pond & dam, built in the mid 1800's
Yancy and Bertha LaFon. Cabin. Built in 1940.
Small one-story paneled cabin next to a lake. owned by Yancy & Bertha LaFon, built in 1940
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