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Female Tree Swallow
Female Tree Swallow. Canada, Alberta, Camrose.
Male Tree Swallow
Male Tree Swallow. USA, New York, Long Island, Miller Place.
Male Solitary Vireo
Male Solitary Vireo. USA, New York, Suffolk, Miller Place.
Female Solitary Verio
Female Solitary Verio. USA, New York, Suffolk, Miller Place.
Male Red-eyed Verio
Male Red-eyed Verio. USA, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Mts.
Female Warbling Vireo
Female Warbling Vireo. USA, California.
Male Red Eyed Vireo
Male Red Eyed Vireo. USA, Virginia, Montgomery, Blacksburg.
Female Red Eyed Vireo
Female Red Eyed Vireo. USA, Ohio, Stark, Canton.
Female Eastern Wood PeeWee
Female Eastern Wood PeeWee. Mexico, Guerrero, Omilleme.
Female White-Crowned Sparrow
Female White-Crowned Sparrow. USA, New York, Long Island, Miller Place.
Male White Crowned Sparrow
Male White Crowned Sparrow. USA, New York, Long Island, Miller Place.
Male Swamp Sparrow
Male Swamp Sparrow. USA, Virginia, Elizabeth City.
Male Lincoln's Sparrow
Male Lincoln's Sparrow. USA, New York, Long Isand, Miller Place.
Male Loggerhead Shrike
Male Loggerhead Shrike. USA, Flordia, Cedar Keys.
Male Acadian Flycatcher
Male Acadian Flycatcher. USA, Arkansas, Windslow.
Female Veery
Female Veery. USA, New York, Delware, Halcottsville.
Female Wood Trush
Female Wood Trush. USA, New York, Long Island, Miller Place.
Female American Robin
Female American Robin. USA, Virginia, Newport News, Morison.
Male American Robin
Male American Robin. Canada, British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Island, Masset.
Female Brown Thrasher
Female Brown Thrasher. USA, Georgia, Roswell.
Female N. Mockingbird
Female N. Mockingbird. Mexico, Guerrero, Chilpancingo.
Male Carolina Wren
Male Carolina Wren. USA, Virginia, Princess Anne, Lynnhaven.
Male Carolina Wren
Male Carolina Wren. USA, Florida, Levy, Lukens.
Female Winter Wren
Female Winter Wren. USA, California, Marin, Nicasio.
Male Winter Wren
Male Winter Wren. USA, New York, Long Island, Miller Place.
USA, Florida, Cedar Keys.
Male House Wren
Male House Wren. USA, Florida, Cedar Keys.
Female Great Crested Flycatcher
Female Great Crested Flycatcher. USA, Georgia, St. Marys.
Female Blue Jay
Female Blue Jay. USA, Virginia, Montgomery, Blacksburg.
Female Great-Horned Owl
Female Great-Horned Owl. USA, Virginia, Montgomery.
Male Indigo Bunting
Male Indigo Bunting. USA, Virginia, Montgomery.
Female Downy Woodpecker
Female Downy Woodpecker. USA, Maine, Rangely.
Female Hairy Woodpecker
Female Hairy Woodpecker. USA, New York, Long Island, Miller Place.
Male Yellow Bellied Sapsucker
Male Yellow Bellied Sapsucker. USA, New York, Troy.
Male Red Headed Woodpecker
Male Red Headed Woodpecker. USA, Washington, D.C.
Male Red Bellied Woodpecker
Male Red Bellied Woodpecker. USA, Florida, Gainesville.
Female Red Bellied Woodpecker
Female Red Bellied Woodpecker. USA, Iowa, Perry.
Male Pileated Woodpecker
Male Pileated Woodpecker. USA, Arkansas, Winslow.
Female Belted Kingfisher
Female Belted Kingfisher. USA, Arizona, Chiricahua Mountains, Pickett Canyon.
Male Belted Kingfisher
Male Belted Kingfisher. USA, Florida, Miami Beach.
Male Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Male Ruby Throated Hummingbird. USA, Georgia, Roswell.
Female Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Female Ruby Throated Hummingbird. USA, Georgia, Roswell.
Male Common Nighthawk
Male Common Nighthawk. USA, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Mountains, Bonita Canyon.
Male Yellow Billed Cuckoo
Male Yellow Billed Cuckoo. USA, California, Los Angeles.
FemaleMouning, Dove
FemaleMouning, Dove. USA, New York, Long Island, Miller Place.
MaleMourning Dove
MaleMourning Dove. USA, Washington, Shoalwater Bay.
MaleRock Dove
MaleRock Dove. USA, Texas, Cameron Co.
Female Spotted Sanpiper
Female Spotted Sanpiper. Canada, British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands, Masset.
Male Solitary Sandpiper
Male Solitary Sandpiper. USA, New York, Long Island, Miller Place.
Female American Coot
Female American Coot. USA, Virginia, Back Bay
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