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Relation is exactly "N&W Employee Group Photographs"
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Exercise at the beach
Exercise at the beach
Waterfalls in Skyland
Waterfalls in Skyland
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employee gathering
Unidentified NW employee gathering
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
NW employees boat trip
NW employees boat trip
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified NW employees
Unidentified employees
Unidentified employees
Unidentified employees
Unidentified employees
Unidentified group of men
Unidentified group of men
Unidentified group of men
Unidentified group of men
Unidentified group of men
Unidentified group of men
Unidentified group of men
Unidentified group of men
Unidentified group of men
Unidentified group of men
Unidentified group of men
Unidentified group of men
Male employees of Norfolk and Western
Male employees of Norfolk and Western
Women at Craig Healing Springs
Women at Craig Healing Springs
President A. C. Needles, Group of Veterans, Veterans Association
President A. C. Needles, Group of Veterans, Veterans Association
President A. C. Needles with Group of Veterans, Veterans Association
President A. C. Needles with Group of Veterans, Veterans Association
Veterans: Jeff Mohler, Youngest; H.C. Reynolds, Oldest; Fillmore Reynolds, his son
Veterans: Jeff Mohler, Youngest; H.C. Reynolds, Oldest; Fillmore Reynolds, his son
Veterans Bureau
Veterans Bureau
Railroad workers, children, seated on steps in their Sunday Best
Railroad workers, children, seated on steps in their Sunday Best
Meeting of N&W employees
Meeting of N&W employees
Unidentified men in front of a boat
Unidentified men in front of a boat
Unidentified men on a boat
Unidentified men on a boat
Unidentified group of men
Unidentified group of men
Unidentified men
Unidentified men
Meeting of Portsmouth Efficiency Assn.
Meeting of Portsmouth Efficiency Assn.
Railroad employees at meeting
Railroad employees at meeting
Systems Efficiency Meeting
Systems Efficiency Meeting
System Efficiency Meeting, 1924
System Efficiency Meeting, 1924
Men in straw hats at sporting event
Men in straw hats at sporting event
N&W employees in straw hats
N&W employees in straw hats
Better Service Dinner, Patrick Henry Hotel
Better Service Dinner, Patrick Henry Hotel
N&W Band
N&W Band
N&W band
N&W band
Machine Shop Band, Roanoke, Virginia
Machine Shop Band, Roanoke, Virginia
N&W Band in Front of Hotel Roanoke
N&W Band in Front of Hotel Roanoke
Original N&W Band, 1884
Original N&W Band, 1884
Unidentified Men
Unidentified Men
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