Browse Items (35 total)

  • Rights is exactly "In the public domain"

The second volume of the Tin Horn, the yearbook for and by the female students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Early women students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI) were not allowed to be in The Bugle yearbook. For several years after…

The third volume of the Tin Horn, the yearbook for and by the female students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Early women students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI) were not allowed to be in The Bugle yearbook. For several years after…

An advertising booklet depicting the storyline of a chicken wedding with advertisements dispersed throughout the story. The advertisements are for items such as instant louse killer and Dr. Hess Poultry Pan-a-ce-a.

A booklet containing instructions for mothers for caring for their children. The advice in the booklet is interspersed with advertisements and testimonials for various patent medicines.

An advertisement for a medicine to treat "all diseases originating in impure blood." The ad states that the medicine can be used for illnesses such as sores, ulcers, rheumatism, and sciatica.

A trade card for a cholera cure depicting on one side an artistic rendering of a woman grieving over Lincoln's grave, with soldiers in either corner.

An almanac containing advertisements and testimonials for Burdock's Blood Bitters.

Ms2013-028_B1F13_Indian Root Pills_001.jpg
An advertisement for "Indian Root Pills" depicting a Native man on a horse. The medicine is described as "The great blood purifier."

An almanac for the year 1870, part of a series of Shakespearian almanacs. This issue contains sections from Shakespeare's Seven Ages. The book contains the usual almanac information, along with quotations from Shakespeare and advertisements for…

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This drawing is from p. 92 of the 1895 Bugle for the V.A.M.C. German Club and depicts cadets with their dates. It is signed "JFStrauss 95".

A handwritten home remedy/receipt book with entries in English and French. The book is bound in red leather with paper marbling on the inner binding.

Pages from the receipt book dealing with specific home remedies.

Ms2013-028_B1F13_Fellows Medical Monthly.pdf
An edition of a monthly medical pamphlet from 1879 detailing the "rules for the sick," from how to care for them to what to feed them.

Ms2010-073_Home Remedies Manual.pdf
A handwritten home remedy manual subsisting of pages sewn and bound to newspaper pages. The remedies range from cures for illness and maladies affecting both people and animals, as well as for practical recipes for repairing broken glass and making…

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Pages from the Home Remedies Manual dealing with remedies for animals.

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The pages from the Home Remedies Manual dealing with remedies for the home.

An advertising booklet for a patent medicine used to treat indigestion, nervousness, and physical and mental exhaustion. The back describes the medicine as "a tonic for the weak and debilitated."

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An advertisement for bitters used to treat jaundice, weakness of the stomach, and general debility

The manual, written in 1660 by Agostino Mandirola, is in Italian and it is split into three different sections. The sections are dedicated to teaching the audience how to cultivate, multiply, and conserve various types of plants. This work focuses on…

A handwritten receipt book containing handwritten receipts and pages from cookery booklets. The receipts range from cures for illness and maladies in people and animals to practical receipts for paint and stains.

This item also includes a partial…

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Pages from the Manuscript Receipt Book dealing with remedies for the home.

This map of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College campus has notes on buildings and the natural landscape, such as location of stone and trees. It dates to 1882 with additional notes from 1902.

Ms2013-028_B1F13_Non Multum Sed Multa.pdf
An advertising pamphlet for Kola-Cardinette in the form of an illustrated story. The booklet also includes timelines relating to medical history.

This book, written by Herman Hueg in 1892, is a recipe book that focuses on baking. The book gives advice on and illustrates baking techniques.

Ms2013-028_B1F13_Physicians Essentials.pdf
An advertising pamphlet of drugs considered "Physicians Essentials." The booklet ends with the ways druggists can order drugs from the manufacturer.

A circular produced by Roberts, Thorp & Co. advertising the products that the company produces. This circular primarily focusses on a product called the "vibrating invincible thresher".

An advertising pamphlet by Pabst Brewing, seemingly a sequel to the previous one, advertising a variety of tonics through stories and customer testimonials. Contains many illustrations.

The first volume of the Tin Horn, the yearbook for and by the female students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

Early women students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI) were not allowed to be inThe Bugleyearbook. For several years after they…

An advertising pamphlet for Charlie White-Moon's "Com-Cel-Sar," a cure-all medicine made of roots and herbs. The booklet contains advertisements and testimonials about the effectiveness of the product, as well as information about how it is…

A page from "The Cowboy and Com-Cel-Sar" displaying customer testimonials.

Pages 46 and 47 from "The Cowboy and Com-Cel-Sar" detailing the nature of the testimonials in the booklet.

An advertising pamphlet by Pabst Brewing advertising a variety of tonics through stories and customer testimonials. Contains many illustrations.

An almanac by W.H. Comstock Co. advertising their "Indian Root Pills." The pills are said to be made of vegetables, and are advertised as a cure-all for a variety of illnesses, from "female complaints" to rheumatism to kidney disease.

An advertising pamphlet for "Wizard Oil," to be used for sunburns, stiff and sore muscles, bruises, fleas, mites, chiggers, ticks, and skin abrasians. The booklet also contains information on practical care for a variety of injuries, from sprained…

An advertising pamphlet for "Dime Regulator" pills. The booklet contains illustrations relating to the storyline of "Billious Jones" and his ailments, which are cured by the Dime Regulators.
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