Browse Items (4 total)

  • Rights is exactly "Permission to publish material from Joseph T. Harris must be obtained from Special Collections, Virginia Tech."

Letters written by Joseph T. Harris of the 12th Ohio Infantry to his sister, Mollie Swope from various locations in western Virginia. The letters are dated August 6, 1861, September 18, 1861, November 23, 1861, and February 14, 1862. The letters…

Letters written by Joseph T. Harris of the 12th Ohio Infantry to his sister, Mollie Swope from various locations in western Virginia. The letters are dated August 6, 1861, September 18, 1861, November 23, 1861, and February 14, 1862. The letters…

Letters written by Joseph T. Harris of the 12th Ohio Infantry to his sister, Mollie Swope from various locations in western Virginia. The letters are dated August 6, 1861, September 18, 1861, November 23, 1861, and February 14, 1862. The letters…

Letters written by Joseph T. Harris of the 12th Ohio Infantry to his sister, Mollie Swope from various locations in western Virginia. The letters are dated August 6, 1861, September 18, 1861, November 23, 1861, and February 14, 1862. The letters…
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