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  • Rights is exactly "This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s). <a href=" target="_blank"></a>"

A digital flyer used to promote the event Black Matters: A Teach-In On Language, Literature, Rhetoric, Writing, and Verbal Art.

A digital flyer used to promote the event Anti-Asian Panic and the Pandemic: A Virtual Teach-In.

A video recording of the teach-in event. The event description read: In response to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, many U.S. political authorities and media sources have increased anti-Chinese and anti-Asian rhetoric. Subsequently, there has been…

A bibliography of scholarly articles and other sources on the topic of anti-Asian sentiment related to xenophobia and infectious diseases. Prepared as a supplement to the teach-in by the event organizers and participants.

A video recording of the teach-in event. The event description read: This teach-in aims to demonstrate the interdisciplinary ways that the discipline of English and its sub-fields contained within the English department here at Virginia Tech…

A report on news accounts of discrimination related to COVID-19 in early 2020. The report was prepared for the Asian Pacific Policy & Planning Council and Chinese for Affirmative Action by Russell Jeung, Ph.D., Sarah Gowing, and Kara Takasaki from…
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