Browse Items (120 total)

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Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_1847_1011a.jpg
John Bralley is to work for Isaac Williams, surveyor of the road.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_1848_0825a.jpg
Sheet of calculations.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_1849_03a.jpg
Bill for Edmond W. Lockette, beginning in March of 1844.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_1854_1030a.jpg
Bill for Robert Lewis, beginning on October 30th in 1854.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_1855_0218a.jpg
List of bills owed and purchases made.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_1861_0427a.jpg
List of bills owed and services done for Alexander Pierce by S.C. Bralley, beginning in 1859.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nd1.jpg
Note stating that James Brooks has paid his debt in full. Note also contains pig-pen cipher that says 'Wythe County Va. Oct. 2, 1816." It is unclear if the date corresponds to the rest of the note.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nd2a.jpg
Undated bill for [Thomas].

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nd3a.jpg
Sheet of paper containing the repeated phrase "Commandments ten god gave to men."

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nd4a.jpg
undated bill for an unknown person.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nd5a.jpg
Drafts of a promise to pay Mitchell C. Brawley an unspecified sum.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nd6a.jpg
Account sheet of John Bralley.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nd7a.jpg
Constitution of the Cripple Creek Bible Society.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nd8a.jpg
List of people in arrears, presumably belonging to John Bralley.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nda.jpg
Crossed out bill; used as paper to get arithmetic solutions.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_1839.jpg
Vines weaving pattern.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_1841_0308.jpg
Tennessee Beauty pattern, made by [Mary Jane Trevey].

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_Fast Thred_nd.jpg
Fast thread pattern for the back shaft of a loom.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_Misc_nd.jpg
Unlabeled and undated weaving patterns.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_Stuart_nd.jpg
Undated weaving pattern, labeled with both Miss [Mary] Jane Trevey and John B. Stuart.
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