Browse Items (120 total)

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Ms2000-092_F07_Notes and bills_1855_003.jpg
Note for Susan Trevey to pay a sum of money to the Botetourt Sheriff.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_1841_0308.jpg
Tennessee Beauty pattern, made by [Mary Jane Trevey].

Informational flyer for K. Palmer & Co., Bonsacks Depot, Roanoke County, Virginia.

Letter from Thomas Godwin in Richmond, Virginia to Mrs. Martha Godwin in Fincastle, Virginia.

Letter from Thomas Godwin in Richmond, Virginia to Mrs. Martha Godwin in Fincastle, Virginia.

Letter from Thomas Godwin to Mrs. Martha M. Godwin.

Letter from Thomas Simmons to his family, George Short, Lidda Stanley, and children.

Poem titled "To Sophia" by her sister, Jinnie.

Poem in honor of a deceased family member.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_1839_1107.jpg
Weaving pattern for Twitted Bird Eye, made by Mary Jane Trevey.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nd4a.jpg
undated bill for an unknown person.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_Misc_nd.jpg
Unlabeled and undated weaving patterns.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_1839.jpg
Vines weaving pattern.

Watercolor painting of what seems to be a plant or tree.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_1836_0730.jpg
Weaving pattern for stars and squares, or the Ladies' delight, by Nancy Thrasher.

Ms2000-092_F13_Notes and bills_1861_001.jpg
Bill from Waskey [?] to William H. Young.

Ms2000-092_F13_Notes and bills_1871_001.jpg
Record of what William H. Young owes to J. Fisher.

Ms2000-092_F13_Notes and bills_nd.jpg
Record of purchases made by William H. Young.

Letter from William H. Vaughan to Mr. John Williams.

Ms2000-092_F13_Notes and bills_1858_0323.jpg
Bill of work done for William Young. Paid in cash on 1/12/1859.
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