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  • Subject is exactly "Advertisements"

The Myers Bros. and Co. Trade Card shows a Confederate soldier swapping tobacco with a Union soldier in exchange for a bag of coffee.

Selected drafts of illustrated advertisements by Lucy Dickinson Urquhart for the First National Bank of Jonesville, VA. Urquhart apparently produced a series of these. This folder of the collection includes final versions with illustrations and…

Coade's Lithodipyra or Artificial Manufactory Trade Card, probably printed about 1784. The Coade stone business was started by Eleanor Coade in 1769 and operated into the 1833, later run by a business partner after Coade's death. The trade card was…

These are a few of the Horford Baking & Phosphate trade cards in the larger Culinary Ephemera Collection.

This is a series of Shakespeare-inspired Libby, McNeill & Libby trade cards in the larger Culinary Ephemera Collection.

Garfield Tea (Stillman Remedies Co.) table top advertisement, 1880s, likely c.1885?

At the earliest, this item probably dates to around 1885, four years after the death of James A. Garfield. Produced by Stillman Remedies Co. Garfield Tea was a…

J. F. Lawrence Printing Company (Chicago) prospectus
The J. F. Lawrence Printing Company operated at least from about 1890 until at least 1913. This prospectus includes samples and descriptions for patent medicine boxes, labels, and labels available…

Arm & Hammer (part of Church & Driwght Co.) produced multiple series of trade cards in the early 20th century, including ones featuring birds, flowers, and animals. These cards represent a few examples of much larger set of cards in the Culinary…

In the late 19th century, Quaker Oats produced a series of collectible trade cards featuring lithograph landscapes and scenes from America. These two cards represent several held in the Culinary Ephemera Collection.

Mellin's Food Company produced baby food, as well as nutritional foods for invalids. These represent a few of the Mellin's trade cards in the Culinary Ephemera Collection.

This trade card for a sarsaparilla compound, was produced by a company based in Lynchburg, Va.

These two trade cards were advertisements for Storey & Bunnell, who shipped oysters around the east coast of the United States in the early 20th century.

Some companies have a long history. Eagle Brand (now part of Borden, Inc.), was advertising condensed milk for a variety of uses at least as early as 1885.

Scientific American advertisement

<p>Tolu Rock and Rye appears to have a short history of distribution between 1880 and 1881 (possibly a little later) as a patent medicine.</p> <p>Classification of the drink as a medicine in the late 19th and early 20th centuries…

While Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil was marketed until the 1940s and 1950s, the particular trade card in this collection most likely dates to the late Victorian era. The Victorian era is a period of time that directly corresponds with the reign of the…

An advertising pamphlet by Pabst Brewing advertising a variety of tonics through stories and customer testimonials. Contains many illustrations.

An advertising pamphlet for "Wizard Oil," to be used for sunburns, stiff and sore muscles, bruises, fleas, mites, chiggers, ticks, and skin abrasians. The booklet also contains information on practical care for a variety of injuries, from sprained…

An advertising pamphlet by Pabst Brewing, seemingly a sequel to the previous one, advertising a variety of tonics through stories and customer testimonials. Contains many illustrations.

An advertising booklet depicting the storyline of a chicken wedding with advertisements dispersed throughout the story. The advertisements are for items such as instant louse killer and Dr. Hess Poultry Pan-a-ce-a.

A trade card for a cholera cure depicting on one side an artistic rendering of a woman grieving over Lincoln's grave, with soldiers in either corner.

An advertising booklet for a patent medicine used to treat indigestion, nervousness, and physical and mental exhaustion. The back describes the medicine as "a tonic for the weak and debilitated."

An advertisement for a medicine to treat "all diseases originating in impure blood." The ad states that the medicine can be used for illnesses such as sores, ulcers, rheumatism, and sciatica.

Ms2013-028_B1F13_Indian Root Pills_001.jpg
An advertisement for "Indian Root Pills" depicting a Native man on a horse. The medicine is described as "The great blood purifier."

Ms2013-028_B1F13_Jaundice Bitters_001.jpg
An advertisement for bitters used to treat jaundice, weakness of the stomach, and general debility

Ms2013-028_B1F13_Non Multum Sed Multa.pdf
An advertising pamphlet for Kola-Cardinette in the form of an illustrated story. The booklet also includes timelines relating to medical history.

An advertising pamphlet for "Dime Regulator" pills. The booklet contains illustrations relating to the storyline of "Billious Jones" and his ailments, which are cured by the Dime Regulators.

An advertising pamphlet for Charlie White-Moon's "Com-Cel-Sar," a cure-all medicine made of roots and herbs. The booklet contains advertisements and testimonials about the effectiveness of the product, as well as information about how it is…

A circular produced by Roberts, Thorp & Co. advertising the products that the company produces. This circular primarily focusses on a product called the "vibrating invincible thresher".

Drawn & illistrated Blacksburg Business Directory of 1877

Drawn & illistrated Blacksburg Business Directory of 1877
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