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Military Order, Officer in Charge, undated, no.2 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Orders from Col Preston, undated (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Fragment of Detail Orders to Col. Preston, undated (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, No. 10: Order of punishment of James W. Johnson for leaving camp and being drunk, undated (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, No. 9: Prepare and hold in readiness to march to Lynchburg Sunday morning the 26th, By order of Col. Preston, undated (Ms1992-003)
Supplies due to 28th Va Regiment. Signed by C. C. M. Phail, Ordnance Store Keeper, undated (Ms1992-003)
Letter, M. P. Preston to Col. R. T. Preston, undated (Ms1992-003)
Requisition for Ordnance and Ordnance Stores for the Use of Company K, 28th Regiment of Va Volunteers, Signed by General Breckenridge, undated (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Subsistence of Officers, undated (Ms1992-003)
Transfer Request, From Major Allen to Col Robert T. Preston, undated (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To Clerk of the Cir. Ct. of Washington Co., Information regarding the depositions on the case of Thos. L. Preston v/s W. A. Stuart, Signed Robert T. Preston, Solitude, August 14, 1871 (Ms1992-003)
Acknowledgment of the President's Warrant of Pardon, Signed: Robert T. Preston, Solitude, December 29, 1865, and Certified document of the United States of America, Signed William Seward, January 9, 1866 (Ms1992-003)
Freight receipt to Col. Preston for goods sent to Salem, from the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Co., Christiansburg Depot, November 8, 1863 (Ms1992-003)
Call to Arms, to all the men of Montgomery and Roanoke to help repel the enemy. Signed: Col. Robert Preston, Solitude, May 13, 1863 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To Col. Preston. Regarding the formation of a committee to assist in the raising of companies to fight. Signed: J. H. Anderson, September 9, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston. Request for a certificate of estimated loss. Signed: M. Mason, Richmond, December 30, 1862(Ms1992-003)
Letter, Proposal for Coal Mining from W.G. Atkinson to Robert T. Preston, December 27, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Statement of wheat received, James Wade to Robert T. Preston, Salem, December 12, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Statement of Goods Received from Christiansburg Depot, James Wade to Robert T. Preston, Salem, November 17, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Freight Receipt, Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Co, Christiansburg Depot, November 1, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Certificate, Commission to Col of Infantry to Robert T. Preston, signed John Letches, August 23, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
General Order, No. 5: Regarding the organization of militias to serve the Virginia State Line. Signed: Major General John B. Floyd, Head Quarters Va. State Line, Wytheville, August 19, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, John B. Floyd to Robert T. Preston, Authorization to raise a Regiment, June 10, 1862, and Organization of Militias, August 11, 1862, Va (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To Col. Preston. Bring everyone foreword to the depot at Wytheville. Signed: John B. Floyd, Head Quarters Va. State Line, Wytheville, August 11, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, Call for the Formation of Militias, signed by Wm. H. Richardson, Va, August 4, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To Col. Preston. Regarding the militia service. Signed: John B. Floyd, Head Quarters Va. State Line, Wytheville, August 4, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Special Order, Col. Preston is authorized to grant transportation of troops to Wytheville for service in the State Line. Signed: William E. Peters, Head Quarters Va. State Line, Wytheville, June 29, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To Robert T. Preston, Change of Employment, signed F. B. Deanefor, June 19, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, Authorization to Raise Regiment from Wm, H. Richardson to Robert T. Preston, June 17, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To Col. Preston, Regarding raising of a regiment for the State. Signed: P. Huddleston, Chamblissburg, June 14, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To Robert T. Preston, Information regarding troops on the Chickahominy river (Mc Clellen and Lee), Battle of May 31, and the physical condition of General Johnston. Signed: B. R. Johnston., June 13, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
General Order, No. 1, Regarding Recruitment, by order of Maj. Gen. John. B. Floyd, May 30, and Command regarding Order No. 1, by Wm. H. Richardson, A. G., Richmond, June 4, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To Secretary of War, Request that Col. Preston be returned to service, Signed J. A. Johnston, May 28, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To Col. Preston. Request for transfer to Col. Preston's Regiment. Signed: H. Stevens, Cave Spring, May 28, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Authorization for Col. Preston to Raise a Regiment of Rangers. Signed: Lyle Alanke, Dublin Depot, May 27, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, No. 28: Act to organize bands of Rangers. Signed: A. L. Long, May 26, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, Condolences to Col. Preston for not being reinstated in a position of service. Signed: George S. Pickett, Head Quarters, 3rd Brigade, May 19, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, Testimony to Col. Preston's Honorable character as a soldier. In response to his request to rejoin the Army. Signed: James Longstreet, Head Quarters 2nd Division, May 19, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Report that Col. Preston was not re-elected for duty. Signed: G. E. Pickett, Camp near Laurel Church, May 19, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston. Regarding movement of cattle to Blacksburg. Advise women and children to stay at home. Information on the position of the Yankees at Lunenburg. Signed: A. T. Caperton, Union, May 15, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Telegraph, Southern Telegraph Companies, To Col. Preston, Guns available for transfer from Hospital if orders are granted from Richmond, Signed: F.B. Deane Jr., Recorded at Christiansburg from Lynchburg, May 15, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To Col. Preston, Signed General Heth, Head Quarters, Army of the New River, May 13, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To John S. Peck. Intercept the Yankees at Pearisburg. Signed: Wilson Lively, May 8, 1862
Military Order, To John S. Peck. Intercept the Yankees at Pearisburg. Signed: Wilson Lively, May 8, 1862
Letter, Information Regarding the formation of a regiment as a guerrilla band and reports on Norfolk, Williamsburg and Harrisonburg. Signed: W. Younger, Richmond, May 6, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Authorization for Col. Preston to form a Volunteer regiment. Signed: John Lechen, May 3, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To Col. Preston. Regarding need of money. Signed: F. B. Deanefor, Lynchburg, April 30, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Newspaper clipping, A letter from the Confederate states of America War Department. Official letter relative to the conscription act. Sign Geo. W. Randolph, Secretary of War, April 30, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, Charles B. Ball to Col. Preston, Richmond, April 29, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To Col. Preston, Regarding Extension of sick leave, April 28, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
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