Telegram, dated October 27, 1947, from J. Robert Oppenheimer to Frédéric Joliot-Curie informing them that he would not be able to attend the ceremony to honor Ernest Rutherford, Lord Rutherford.
Thank you note, undated, from J. Robert Oppenheimer to Robert E. Marshak. Oppenheimer was thanking Marshak for his note on Okubo [probably University of Rochester physicist Susumu Okubo], and telling him to have a good time on his trip.
Letter dated December 1, 1947, from J. Robert Oppenheimer to Robert E. Marshak regarding Marshak's appointment as a member of the School of Methematics of the Institute for Advanced Study for the spring 1948 semester.
Telegram dated February 20, 1967, from Ruth and Robert E. Marshak to Kitty Oppenheimer offering condolences for the passing of her husband J. Robert Oppenheimer.
Letter (photocopy) from Albert Einstein to Robert E. Marshak, dated March 3, 1953, thanking him for giving time and energy to the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology) in Haifa.
A letter sent to a lawyer with the legal description and plat of the parcel of land on which the Y.M.C.A. building stands, requesting a deed be drawn up.
A letter from the treasurer of the Washignton Mills Company inquiring about several employees wh had quit their jobs in North Carolina in order to work at the mill in Fries.
A short missive from the president of Wachovia Loan and Trust Company and the founder and president of Washington Mills Company, Col. Francis H. Fries, thanking the mill superintendent for sending updates about operations. Includes and example of the…
A letter from Haywood Haynes informing the mill that he and his family would be coming to work at the mill, with information about his family and their housing needs.
A letter from Mrs. Patsie Pruitt asking for her job back at the mill. She had moved to Maryland, but wanted to go back to Fries because child labor laws in Maryland prevented her children from working.