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  • Subject is exactly "Diversity in higher education"

Diversity News, continued Minority Newsletter (LD5655 .A78631 M5)

Diversity News, continued Minority Newsletter (LD5655 .A78631 M5)

Diversity News, continued Minority Newsletter (LD5655 .A78631 M5)

Diversity News, continued Minority Newsletter (LD5655 .A78631 M5)

A digital flyer used to promote the event Anti-Asian Panic and the Pandemic: A Virtual Teach-In.

A press release from The United States Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs announcing the creation of a section focused on pursuing the revocation of naturalization for naturalized citizens under certain circumstances.

A report on news accounts of discrimination related to COVID-19 in early 2020. The report was prepared for the Asian Pacific Policy & Planning Council and Chinese for Affirmative Action by Russell Jeung, Ph.D., Sarah Gowing, and Kara Takasaki from…

A bibliography of scholarly articles and other sources on the topic of anti-Asian sentiment related to xenophobia and infectious diseases. Prepared as a supplement to the teach-in by the event organizers and participants.

A video recording of the teach-in event. The event description read: In response to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, many U.S. political authorities and media sources have increased anti-Chinese and anti-Asian rhetoric. Subsequently, there has been…

Douglas Martin, Ed.D. is Director Emeritus in the
Department of Human Resources at Virginia Tech. This
nearly hour-long interview contains his first-hand account
of several impactful people and events that shaped Tech in
the last half century.…
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