Browse Items (59 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Faculty"

Photograph of two unidentified study workers weighing and measuring out portions of food for the metabolic study.

Photograph of two unidentified study workers measuring out portions for the metabolic study.

Image of two unidentified study workers taken during the metabolic study.

Photograph of two unidentifed study workers preparing food.

Picture of "The Grove" at Virginia Tech, 3-story brick house with a wrap-around porch and a person sitting on the front steps

Dawing for a bridge designed by McNairy, Claflin & Company of Cleveland, Ohio.

150th_104. Librarians Jones_1919 and Brown_1925.jpg
This composite includes a 1919 photo of Eleanor Isabelle Jones, university librarian from 1913 to 1923, and a 1925 photo of Ralph Minthorne Brown, university librarian from 1925 to 1946.

Photograph of Dr. Laura Jane Harper from the College of Home Economics.

Photograph from the 1960 Bugle, page 21, of Dr. Laura Jane Harper from the College of Home Economics.
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