The collection includes a broadside advertising a land auction in Floyd County, Virginia, to be held on August 5, 1859. The auction was ordered by the Circuit Court of Floyd County in April of 1859. The land covered by the auction is 78 acres…
Written on back: "A fast-vanishing art among mountain families in the appalachian mountains, hog-killing was once a way of life. Here they are getting the water hot to scald the hog so the hair will come off. Water temperature is about 155 degrees."
Written on back: "All of the mountain families grew they ate and built everything on their farm with strong hands and a willing heart. Here Hubert Hensley and his wife are getting ready to milk his cow."
Written on back: Garden planting time in the Blue Ridge. Here Hubert Hensley, who still does his farm work by horses, is getting ready to plow his garden."
Written on back: "After working all day, the mountain man always found time for music. Here John N. Hylton from Floyd County, Va. finds time to play his homemade banjo."
Written on back: "The only way the farmer had to get his crops from the field to the farm was horse-drawn wagons or fled. Here is a 'Jolt' wagon in Floyd County, Va. They was called 'jolt' because they rode so rough."
Written on back: "Nestled in a cove in Greenup County, Ky. is Sophia Stuarts log home. Sophia was the late sister of Jesse Stuart, well known Kentucky writer."
Written on back: "Mountain people grew all the grain they used on the farm. On every creek there was a water powered grist mill where they got their corn, wheat, and buckwheat ground into flour. Here is the snow-covered water race of a grist mill in…
Written on back: "Landscape in the heart of the appalachian mountains of Kentucky. Willie Gibbons and his wife Nancy raised a family of 12 kids on this 85 acre farm and three room cabin."