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Subject is exactly "General stores--Virginia--History--Pictorial works."
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Mt Lake Old Filling Station and General Store. Built in 1929.
Small one story stone building used as Mt Lake Lodge Old Filling Station and General Store, built in 1929.
Super Val-u [Grocery Store]. Built in 1985.
Super Val-y Grocery building with cars parked infront of it. Built in 1985
Fidel Smith. Old Store. Apartments. Built in 1935.
Two story building that conatined a store and apartments above it. Owned by Fidel Smith, built in 1935
A. Black Co., business in Blacksburg, Virginia
Four men pose on the front steps of A.Black Company Inc. in Blacksburg, VA
Cafe in Blacksburg, Virginia
Two men & two boys pose in uniform infront of a cafe in Blacksburg, VA
R. K. McCoy General Merchandise Store and people
Small children and 2 men pose on the front porch of R.K. McCoy's General Store in Blacksburg, VA
College Street in downtown Blacksburg, Virginia
View of College St. in dowtown Blacksburg. Roses 5-10-25 cent Store is pictured
Piggly Wiggly grocery store
Front view of a Piggly Wiggly grocery store
Soda fountain in drug store [Ellett's Drug Store]
A businessman stands behind the soda fountain counter in Ellett's Drug Store
Crow's Nest,College Street, Blacksburg, Virginia
Street view of "The Crows Nest" in Blacksburg, VA
W. M. Lybrook Store and Main Street, Blacksburg, Virginia
Street view of the street infront of W.M. Lybrook's Store on Main Street in Blacksburg, VA
Man and woman in front of Blacksburg business
A man and woman stand infront of a Blacksburg business, possibly Ellett's Drugstore
Automobile and passengers in front of drug store
Two boys, a man, and a dog sit in the seats of a car. The car is parked on the street infront of a drugstore
Town of Blacksburg, aerial view
Aerial view of the town of Blacksburg, VA
Post Office and Hack Depot in Blacksburg
Business men & children posing on the front steps and balcony of the Post Office and Hack Depot in Blacksburg, VA
Three men infront of Ellett's Drugstore, Blacksburg
One man & Two boys posing infront of Ellett's Drugstore in Blacksburg
Blacksburg Downtown, 1940-59
Street view of businesses on the corner of Main St. & College St., Business pictured: Brown Stores Co. Hardware, Roses 5-10-25 Store
Main Street, Blacksburg, Virginia
View of Main St. in Blacksburg, VA. Elletts Drugstore & other businesses are pictured, people stand on the sidewalk
Soda fountain in lunch room in Blacksburg, Virginia
men sit and are served at the counter of Ellett's Drug store in Blacksburg, VA
General store in Blacksburg, VA
Men and boys pose infront of Sarvay's Drug Store Store in Blacksburg
Interior of store in Blacksburg, Virginia [Ellett's Drug Store]
men sit and are served at the counter of Ellett's Drug store in Blacksburg, VA
Portrait inside Ellett's Drugstore in Blacksburg
Picture of a businessman leaning against the counter at Ellett's Drugstore
Man behind Ellett's Drugstore Counter
Zoomed in picture of a man in a suit standing behind Ellett's Drugstore Counter. Two other men are partially pictured.
W.M. Lybrook Store, Blacksburg, Virginia
Men and children pose on the balcony of a store under a sign: "WM Lybrook Cheap Cash Store"
Inside Ellett's Drug Store, Blacksburg
Six women in all white sit and relax at a table in Ellett's Drugstore in Blacksburg, VA
Drug store in Blacksburg, Virginia
Street corner view from South Main & College Ave. of Elletts Drug Store, people stand under the covered enterance & children mill about
Men pose on Main Street, Blacksburg Virginia
Numerous businessmen pose on porchs or the road of Blacksburg's main street. Street is a dirt road and horses are pictured vaguely in the background
Blacksburg, Virginia Business Directory
Drawn & illistrated Blacksburg Business Directory of 1877
Greek's Restuarant,Main Street, Blacksburg, Virginia, 1936
Chefs and patrons pose for a photo at the counter inside of Nicks the Greek's Place in Blacksburg, VA
Main Street at College Street
Street view of businesses on the corner of Main St. & College St., Business pictured: Brown Stores Co. Hardware, Roses 5-10-25 Store
Blacksburg Shops
3 businessmen pose infront of 2 shops (cafe & general store) in Blacksburg, VA
R.K. McCoy General Store, Blacksburg
Two men and multiple children pose on the porch of McCoy's General Store in Blacksburg, VA
Ellett's Drug Store
Street corner view from South Main & College Ave. of Elletts Drug Store, people stand under the covered enterance & children mill about
Main Street, Blacksburg
Numerous businessmen pose on porchs or the road of Blacksburg's main street. Street is a dirt road and horses are pictured vaguely in the background
Blacksburg Business Directory-1877
Drawn & illistrated Blacksburg Business Directory of 1877
Shopping district in Blacksburg,Virginia
Main Street in Blacksburg, Cars line the streets & people walk around. "Horsheim Shoes" & "Center Drugs Prescriptions" signs can be seen
Businessman in Blacksburg, Virginia
Picture of a businessman leaning against the counter at Ellett's Drugstore
Businessman in shop in Blacksburg, Virginia
Zoomed in picture of a man in a suit standing behind Ellett's Drugstore Counter. Two other men are partially pictured.
Ellett's Drug Store and the Post Office, Blacksburg
Picture of a street corner, Elletts drugstore is the focus with the postoffice being in the background. people mill about and a car is parked infront of Elletts.
Ellett's Drugstore in Blacksburg
Two men and five boys pose infront of Elletts Drugstore in Blacksburg, "Kodaks" is written on the windows
Sarvay's Store in Blacksburg
Men and boys pose infront of Sarvay's Drug Store Store in Blacksburg
Corner Drug Store in Blacksburg
Men and boys pose infront of Sarvay's Drug Store Store in Blacksburg
Heavner Chevrolet
Street view of the Heavner Chevrolet shop in Blacksburg, VA
Ellett's Drugstore Counter in Blacksburg
Three businessmen sit at a bar in Elletts drug strore, two men stand behind the bar
University Mall
Street view of University Mall & its attached parking lot
Inside University Mall
Inside of Univeristy Mall when empty with all the lights dimmed.
John Norman's Country Corner
Outside of "John Norman's Country Corner", "68 Bugle AD #10; Picture # 2" Scribbled on top of photo
John Norman's Cambridge Shop
Outside of "John Norman's Cambridge Shop", "68 Bugle AD #10; Picture # 1" Scribbled on top of photo
Argabrite's Varsity Shop
Outside of "Argabrite's Varsity Shop" front in Blacksburg, VA
Gables Shopping Center
Photo of the parking lot of Gables Shopping Center in Blacksburg VA
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