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Cascade Falls in Southwestern Virginia
Two people with a dog standing next to Cascade Falls in Giles County, VA
Dolan and Eloise Rader. House. Built in 1972.
One-story brick house belonging to Dolan & Eloise Rader, Built in 1972
Frank Sibold House. Bill and Virginia McWorther. Built in 1875.
Front view of two story white house with a balcony named the Frank Sibold House. Owned by Bill & Virginia McWorther, built in 1875
Frank Sibold House, built 1875 owned by Bill and Virginia McWorter, side view
Side view of two-story white house with a balcony named the Frank Sibold House. Owned by Bill & Virginia McWorther, built in 1876
Frank Sibold Barn. David Hunt. Business. Built in 1896.
One and a half story building with long garage attachment. Frank Sibold barn, used as a business owned by David Hunt. Built in 1896
Leffel-Givens House. Marge Allen. Built in 1920.
Leffel-Givens House: two and a half story white house with brick chimneys & a front porch. Owned by Marge Allen, built in 1920
George Porterfield House. Marlene Fraiser. Built in 1916.
George Porterfield House: Two and a half-story white house with a front porch and shingled roof. Owned by Marlene Fraiser, built in 1916
Fred Huffman House. Benny Huffman. Built in 1935.
Fred Huffman House: One & a half white house with a garage in the back. Owned by Benny Huffman, built in 1935
Benny Huffman House. Built in 1985.
Benny Huffman House: One story manufactured home. Owned by Benny Huffman, built in 1985
Benny Huffman Barn. Built in 1935.
Benny Huffman Barn: Two-story wooden barn with a brick well. a horse & cow stand nearby, built in 1935
Old Newport Cemetery. Gravestone dated 1775.
Singular gravestone in Old Newport Cemetery, Grave dated 1775
Maldene Martin. House. Built in 1954.
Single-story brick house with a large front yard and garage attachment. Owned by Maldene Martin, built in 1954
Donnie Martin. House. Built in 1977.
Two-story circular house with a stone chimney and large wrap around porch. Owned by Donnie Martin, built in 1977
Jerry Deplaze. House. Built in 1936.
Behind view of a two-story white house with a sunroom. Owned by Jerry Deplaze, built in 1936
Jerry Deplazes. House. Built in 1920.
Two-story small wooden house with a tin roof. Owned by Jerry Deplaze, built in 1920
Newport Park. Picnic Shelter. Built in 1980.
Picnic shelter located in Newport Park, built in 1980
Newport Park. Caretaker House. Built in 1995.
One-story manufactured home with a fenced in yard. Officially the home of the Caretaker of Newport Park, built in 1995
James Lilly residence under construction at time of photographing houses in Giles Co.
Note in cursive "James Lilly under construction" in refernce to the the James Lilly home
Newport Park. Caretaker House (second view)
One-story manufactured home with a fenced in yard. Officially the home of the Caretaker of Newport Park, built in 1995
J. F. and Janet McMurray. House. Built 1985
Two-story white house with a front porch and detached garage. Owned by J.F. & Janet McMurray, built in 1985
J. F. and Janet McMurray. Barn. Built in 1920.
One-story wooden barn with a field and mountains in the background, owned by J.F. & Janey McMurray, built in 1920
Kathleen Hypes. House. Built in 1940.
One & a half story house with a basement. Owned by Kathleen Hypes, built in 1940
David Duncan House. Built 1940.
One & a half story white house with a detached shed in the back. Owned by David Duncan, built in 1940
Cemetery. Newport, Virginia
Faraway photo of a fenced in cemetery in Newport, Virginia
Harold and Annie Price Farmstead. David and Sophie Hunt. Built in 1896.
Harold & Annie Price Farmstead: 2 one and a half story homes perpendicular to each other. Owned by David & Sophie Hunt, built in 1896
Sheldon Dowdy House. Virginia and Sandra Reynolds. Built in 1867.
Seldon Dowdy House: two-story white house with front & back balconies. Owned by Virginia & Sandra Reynolds, built in 1867
Sheldon Dowdy House. Virginia and Sandra Reynolds. Built in 1867 (back view).
Seldon Dowdy House: two-story white house with front & back balconies. Owned by Virginia & Sandra Reynolds, built in 1868
Sheldon Dowdy Farmstead. Virginia and Sandra Reynolds. Built in 1867 (long view).
Distant view of the Seldon Dowdy House: two-story white house with front & back balconies. Owned by Virginia & Sandra Reynolds, built in 1869
Virginia and Sandra Reynolds. House. Built in 1930
One & a half story white house next to a creek. Owned by Virginia & Sandra Reynolds, built in 1930
Low Water Bridge. Built in 1930s.
Dilapidated covered wooden bridge, built in 1930s
Iron Ore Smelting Furnace. Late 1800s. (1)
Large stone Iron smelting furnace surronded by rubble, built in the late 1800's
Iron Ore Smelting Furnace. Late 1800s. (2)
Closeup of large stone iron smelting furnace, built in the late 1800's
Iron Ore Smelting Furnace. Late 1800s. (3)
Closeup of large stone iron smelting furnace, built in the late 1800's
Wilford Downy. House. Tony Willliams. Built in 1860.
Wilford Downy House: Two-story singled house with a front balcony. Owned by Tony Williams, built in 1860
Sandra Jane and Clarence Duke Reynolds. House. Built in 1975.
Two-story barn-style home. Owned by Sandra Jane & Clarence Duke Reynolds, built in 1975
Sammy and Sue Reynolds. Barn. Built in 1890.
Distant photo of a two-story wooden barn with detached sheds. Owned by Sammy & Sue Reynolds, built in 1890
Sammy and Sue Reynolds. House. Built in 1985.
One-story manufactured home nestled in appalachian hills. Owned by Sammy & Sue Reynolds, built in 1985
Sammy and Sue Reynolds. House. Built in 1985. Front view.
One-story manufactured home nestled in appalachian hills. Owned by Sammy & Sue Reynolds, built in 1986
Sammy and Sue Reynolds. House. Built in 1985. Front, side view.
One-story manufactured home nestled in appalachian hills. Owned by Sammy & Sue Reynolds, built in 1987
Sammy and Sue Reynolds. House. Front view. Built in 1985.
One story house with full basement & front porch. Owned by Sammy & Sue Reynold, built in 1985 *Different house than manufactured home
Dowdy Cemetery. 1883
Faded picture of gravestones in a small, fenced in cemtery. Dowdy Cemetery, 1883
Frances Williams House. Built in 1984.
One-story house with a steep roof & detached two car garage. Owned by Frances Williams, built in 1984
Laymon and Jean Williams. Barnes [sic]. Houses. Built in 1990 and 1980s
Far away shot of multiple one-story barns owned by Laymon & Jean Williams. Built between 1980-1990
Laymon and Jean Williams. House. Built in 1966.
One story brick home with cars parked in the front yard. Owned by Lymon & Jean Williams, built in 1966
Layman Williams. Barn. Built in 1900.
One story wooden barn with cows in a pasture out front. Owned by Layman (Laymon) Williams, built in 1900
Tim and Tammy Graham. House. Built in 1990.
One and a half story wooden house with an addition and front porch. Owned by Tim & Tammy Graham, built in 1990
Osborne Reynolds. Garage. Built in 1951.
Wooden two-car garage on stone foundation. Owned by Osborne Reynolds, built in 1951
Osborne Reynolds. Farmstead. Built in 1928.
One story white house with multiple detached sheds & barns. Owned by Osborne Reynolds, built in 1928
Eva and Robert Helms. Barn. Built in 1901.
One-story wooden barn attached to a pasture & seperate shed. Owned by Eva & Robert Helms, built in 1901
Eva and Robert Helms. House. Built 1901.
Closeup of a two-story white house with a balcony. Owned by Eva & Robert Helms, built in 1901
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