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  • Subject is exactly "Housing--United States"

Detail sections for work stations, cabinetry, storage spaces on first and second floors, printed as part of a set of construction drawings for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting…

Wall, column, shelving, desk details for ground floor, printed as part of a set of construction drawings for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting innovative educational needs. Project…

Details elevations for spaces on second and third floors, printed as part of a set of construction drawings for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting innovative educational needs. Project…

Details elevations for work stations, desks, and cabinetry on second and third floors, printed as part of a set of construction drawings for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting innovative…

Cabinet details for second and third floors, printed as part of a set of construction drawings for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting innovative educational needs. Project #0807

Long dirt driveway leading to a two story white house. Owned by Doak & Alva Lucas, built in 1861

Closeup of a two story white house with a screened in back porch. Owned by Doak & Alva Lucas, built in 1861

Dode Caldwell Store: two-story brick building now used as a house. Owned by Eric Langston, built in 1907

One-story brick house belonging to Dolan & Eloise Rader, Built in 1972

Either wooden or sheet metal one story garage with a flat roof. Owned by Don & Susan Overton, built in 1988

Large house obscured by trees. Owned by Don & Susan Overton, built in 1990

Two-story house with a side porch & stone foundation. Owned by Donald & Betty Caldwell, built in 1952

Two-story circular house with a stone chimney and large wrap around porch. Owned by Donnie Martin, built in 1977

One story manufactured house with an attached porch. Owned by Dorie Ditton, built in 1975

One story manufactured home. Owned by Doug & Susan Godfrey, built in 1995

One story white paneled house with an American flag hanging out front. Owned by Earl Echols, built in 1992

Two story paneled house with a stone chimeny and large back porch. Owned by Ed Sibold, built in 1994

Street view of a one story home with a brick foundation. Owned by Edgar & Pam Seibert, built in 1990

Front elevation for River Run residence, a renovation project. Project #0810

Side elevation for River Run residence, a renovation project. Project #0810

Side elevation for River Run residence, a renovation project. Project #0810

Rear elevation for River Run residence, a renovation project. Project #0810

Mission Street elevation drawn on design vellum for Yerba Buena Gardens, part of a large commercial project. Unbuilt due to disruption of funding. Project #0800

Eliot Building: One-story log cabin used by UVA Mt. Lake Biological Station as a residence building.

Pine Street entrance plans and interior elevations for Vine Terrace, renamed Nob Hill, Apartments. Project #0594

One story house with a front patio. Owned by Ernest & Debra Harvey, built in 1970

Two-story white house with a balcony. Owned by Eva & Robert Helms, built in 1901

Closeup of a two-story white house with a balcony. Owned by Eva & Robert Helms, built in 1901

Closeup of a two-story white house with a balcony. Owned by Eva & Robert Helms, built in 1901

South elevation along Pine Street for Vine Terrace, renamed Nob Hill, Apartments. Project #0594

Elevations for recreation building showing typical building materials for Pacific Point Condominiums. Project # 0577

Pine Street and Vine Terrace building elevations for Vine Terrace, renamed Nob Hill, Apartments. Project #0594

North and courtyard elevations for Vine Terrace, renamed Nob Hill, Apartments. Project #0594

F.H. Givens House: Back of a two story paneled house. Owned by Mary Givens, built in 1916

F.H. Givens House: two and half story white house with hedges and a front porch. Owned by Mary Givens, built in 1916

Two story building that conatined a store and apartments above it. Owned by Fidel Smith, built in 1935

First floor plan on design vellum for the San Francisco Ballet Building, part of the Civic Center complex in San Francisco. Project #0753

First floor plan showing typical apartment unit layouts for Vine Terrace, renamed Nob Hill, Apartments. Project #0594

Proposed third floor plan, printed on design vellum, for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting innovative educational needs. Project #0807

Proposed second floor plan, printed on design vellum, for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting innovative educational needs. Project #0807

Playground building floor plan with finishes and door, window schedules for Margaret S. Hayward Playground rehabilitation. Project #0716

Building plan for client presentation for Vine Terrace, renamed Nob Hill, Apartments. Ink on design vellum. Project #0594

One story house with a stone foundation. Owned by Florence Porterfield, built in 1917

Two story white house with an additon to the back. Owned by Florence Porterfield, built in 1962

Fourth floor plan on design vellum for the San Francisco Ballet Building, part of the Civic Center complex in San Francisco. Project #0753

Two story white house in the Appalachian Mountains. Owned by Frances Stanke, built in 1850

One-story house with a steep roof & detached two car garage. Owned by Frances Williams, built in 1984

Far away view of a one story brick house with a detached shed. Owned by Frank & Elva Douthat, built in 1970

One story house with a chainlink fence. Owned by Frank Farrier, built in 1930

Side view of two-story white house with a balcony named the Frank Sibold House. Owned by Bill & Virginia McWorther, built in 1876
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