Browse Items (106 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Housing--United States"

Exterior elevations of playground building for Margaret S. Hayward Playground rehabilitation. Project #0716

Axonometric view from above for River Run residence, a renovation project. Project #0810

Axonometric presentation drawings (phases one through three) for a prototypical computer annex design meant to be adapted to multiple sites, commissioned by the Internal Revenue Service (unbuilt). Project #0676

Axonometric study of fountain from above for Yerba Buena Gardens, part of a large commercial project. Unbuilt due to disruption of funding. Project #0752

Axonometric drawing from above, on design vellum, for Margaret S. Hayward Playground rehabilitation. Project #0716

Part of joint project report/design development, exploring the alternative building designs as anchors, with accompanying notes, for Yerba Buena Gardens, part of a large commercial project. Unbuilt due to disruption of funding. Project #0752
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