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John Wayne and Jerry Paul Smith. House. Built in 1967
Two story wooden house with a front porch. Owned by John Wayne & Jerry Paul Smith, built in 1967
Charles Atkins. House. Built in 1850. Back view
Two-story house falling apart from the back. Owned by Charles Atkins, built in 1850
Charles Atkins. House. Built in 1850.
Two story house with a covered porch and balcony. Owned by Charles Atkins, built in 1850
Andy Tawney. House. Built in 1977.
One story white house with a side patio and front porch. Owned by Andy Tawney, built in 1977
Jerry and Betty Harvey house. Built in 1985.
Distant photo of a one story white house. Owned by Jerry & Betty Harvey, built in 1985
Calahan Saunders house. Jerry and Betty Harvey. Built in 1890.
Calahan Saunders House: Crumbling, abandoned one story house that used to have a brick chimney. Owned by Jerry & Betty Harvey, built in 1890
Gary and Brenda Martin. House. Built in 1976.
One story white manufactured home with a front stoop. Owned by Gary & Brenda Martin, built in 1976
Lakeway Service Station. Roger and Betty Smith. Built in 1901.
One story white house used as the Lakeway Service Station. Owned by Roger & Betty Smith, built in 1901
Roger and Betty Smith. House. Built in 1964.
One story brick house with a steep brick foundation. Owned by Roger & Betty Smith, built in 1964
Atkins Cemetery
Photo of a line of graves from the side in Atkins Cemetery.
J. C. and Betsy Link. House. Built in 1969
One story white house with a front patio. Owned by J.C. & Betsy Link, built in 1969
Sam Bradley. Farmstead. J.C. and Betsy Link. Built in 1890. Back view
Sam Bradely Farmstead: Run-down wooden sheds next to an abandoned truck. Owned by J.C. & Betsy Link, built in 1890
Sam Bradley. Farmstead. J.C. and Betsy Link. Built in 1890.
Sam Bradely Farmstead: Multiple buildings located next to a rolling stream. Owned by J.C. & Betsy Link, built in 1890
Terry Jennelle. House. Built in 1956.
Two story wooden cabin with a front patio. Owned by Terry Jennelle, built in 1956
Allen and Eleanor Link. House. Built in 1962.
One story brick house with a detached shed. Owned by Allen & Eleanor Link, built in 1962
Ira and Zettie Porterfield. House. Built in 1871.
One story white house with a shingle roof. Owned by Ira & Zettie Porterfield, built in 1871
Don and Susan Overton. Garage. Built in 1988.
Either wooden or sheet metal one story garage with a flat roof. Owned by Don & Susan Overton, built in 1988
Don and Susan Overton. House. Built in 1990.
Large house obscured by trees. Owned by Don & Susan Overton, built in 1990
Logan Porterfield. Farmstead. Built in 1895.
Far away view of a house surronded by pastures. Owned by Logan Porterfield, built in 1895
Henry and Virginia Kauffelt. House. Built in 1992.
One story brick house surronded by pastures and fenced in. Owned by Henry & Virginia Kauffelt, built in 1992
Jerry Poff Chicken House. Judy Breen. Built in 1934.
Jerry Poff Chicken House: One story wooden chicken coop. Owned by Judy Breen, built in 1934
Jerry Poff House. Judy Breen. Built in 1901. Side view
Jerry Poff House: One story white house with a screened in back porch. Owned by Judy Breen, built in 1901
Jerry Poff House. Judy Breen. Built in 1901.
Jerry Poff House: One story white house with a screened in back porch. Owned by Judy Breen, built in 1901
Dale and Barbara Southern. House. Built in 1974
Two story house with a covered front stoop and detached garage. Owned by Dale & Barbara Southern, built in 1974
Clark Porterfield. House. Built in 1994.
Two-story wooden house with a shingle roof. Owned by Clark Porterfield, built in 1994
Coleman Tawney. Gable Detail. Built in 1895
Gable details on Coleman Tawneys house, built in 1895
Coleman Tawney. House. Built in 1895. Back View
Two story white house with a front porch and wire fence. Owned by Coleman Tawney, built in 1895
Coleman Tawney. House. Built in 1895
Two story white house with a front porch and wire fence. Owned by Coleman Tawney, built in 1895
Coleman Tawney. Farmstead. Built in 1895
Multiple one story, wooden sheds. Owned by Coleman Tawney, built in 1895.
Gerald Williams. House. Built in 1986.
One story stone and paneling house. Owned by Gerald Williams, built in 1986
Ira and Kathleen Williams. House. Built in 1939.
One and a half story house with a front porch. Owned by Ira & Kathleen Willliams, built in 1939
Haven Porterfield Farmstead. Built in 1880.
Overhead view of a white one story home in the middle of a pasture. Owned by Haven Porterfield, built in 1880
Ponzi and Alice Porterfield. House. Built in 1994.
Streetview of a one and a half story log cabin. Owned by Ponzi & Alice Porterfield, built in 1994
Daril and Dorothy Harvey. House. Built in 1890.
One story log cabin. Owned by Daril & Dorothy Harvey, built in 1890
Daril and Dorothy Harvey. House. Built in 1956.
One story white house. Owned by Daril & Dorothy Harvey, built in 1956
Daril and Dorothy Harvey. House. Built in 1979.
One story house with a porch that wraps around the entire house. Owned by Daril & Dorothy Harvey, built in 1979
Wayne and Debbie Porterfield. House. Built in 1988.
Two story house with a two car garage on the first floor. Owned by Wayne & Debbie Porterfield, built in 1988
Wayne and Debbie Porterfield. Barn. Built in 1886. (2)
One story wooden barn. Owned by Wayne & Debbie Porterfield, built in 1886
Bobby and Dana Porterfield. Rock House. Built in 1936.
One story stone shed located next to a cement building. Owned by Bobby & Dana Porterfield, built in 1936
Bobby and Dana Porterfield. House. Built in 1934.
Two story white house with a stone front porch. Owned by Bobby & Dana Porterfield, built in 1934
Geraldine Williams. House. Built in 1956.
Far away street view of a white one story home with bushes lining the house. Owned by Geraldine Williams, built in 1956
Betsy Porterfield. House. Built in 1952.
One story stone house with two chimneys. Owned by Betsy Porterfield, built in 1952
Florence Porterfield. House. Built in 1917
One story house with a stone foundation. Owned by Florence Porterfield, built in 1917
Florence Porterfield. House. Built in 1962.
Two story white house with an additon to the back. Owned by Florence Porterfield, built in 1962
Bryon Porterfield Barn. Jeffery Stiff and James Hypes. Built in 1956.
Bryon Porterfield Barn: One story wooden barn in an empty pasture. Owned by Jeffery Stiff & James Hypes, built in 1956
Ernest and Debra Harvey. House. Built in 1970.
One story house with a front patio. Owned by Ernest & Debra Harvey, built in 1970
Ronnie and Doris Stiff. House. Built in 1976.
One story house on a hill with a wooden fence. Owned by Ronnie & Doris Stiff, built in 1976
Ronald and Pam Stiff. House. Built in 1992
One story house with an attached one car garage. Owned by Ronald & Pam Stiff, built in 1992
Rhonda Montgomery. House. Built in 1988
One-story manufactured home. Owned by Rhonda Montgomery, built in 1988
Reba Montgomery. House. Built in 1846.
One story house with brick and outside paneling. Owned by Reba Montgomery, built in 1846
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