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Doug and Susan Godfrey. House. Built in 1995.
One story manufactured home. Owned by Doug & Susan Godfrey, built in 1995
Randy and Phyllis Rhodes. House. Built in 1979.
One story house with a back porch and trailer in the back yard. Owned by Randy & Phyllis Rhodes, built in 1979
John and Cindy Driscoll. House. Built in 1976.
One story brick house surronded by trees. Owned by John & Cindy Driscoll, built in 1976
Bill and Caroline Vincel. House. Built in 1892.
Two story white house with a balcony. Owned by Bill & Caroline Vincel, built in 1892
Roselinda Farrier and Martin Farrier. Farmstead. Built in 1902.
Multiple buildings in the background, cows graze in the foreground. Owned by Roselina & Martin Farrier, built in 1902
Bill and Caroline Vincel. House. Built in 1892.
Two story white house next to a large tree. Owned by Bill & Caroline Vincel, built in 1892
Bonnie Beasley. House. Built in 1983.
One story brick home with a wooden front yard. Owned by Bonnie Beasley, built in 1983
Shrader. Steve Williams. House. Built in 1985.
One story manufactured home. Owned by Steve Williams, built in 1985
Burrell and Monica Shrader. House. Built in 1975.
Black and white trailer home. Owned by Burrell & Monica Shrader, built in 1975
Burrell and Monica Shrader. House. Built in 1990.
Two story house with a wrap around balcony. Owned by Burrell & Monice Shrader, built in 1990
Steve and Beth Umberger. Farmstead. Built in 1980.
Two story house with a long dirt driveway and wooden fence. Owned by Steve & Beth Umberger, built in 1980
Steve and Beth Umberger. House. Built in 1980.
Two story brick house on a hill. Owned by Steve & Beth Umberger, built in 1980.
Gary and Carolyn Shrader. House. Built in 1978
One story brick home with a detached garage, surronded with a black wooden fence. Owned by Gary & Carolyn Shrader, built in 1978
Frances Stanke. House. Built in 1850.
Two story white house in the Appalachian Mountains. Owned by Frances Stanke, built in 1850
Grayden and Glenda Shrader. Barn. Built in 1956.
One story wooden barn with a detached shed. Owned by Grayden & Glenda Shrader, built in 1956.
Grayden and Glenda Shrader. House. Built in 1938.
One story white house with a front porch. Owned by Grayden & Glenda Shrader, built in 1938
Merril and Judy Pierson. Farmstead. Built in 1975.
Multiple buildings, including: two story brick house with white cloumns and two one story barns. Owned by Merril & Judy Pierson, built in 1975
Gary and Vickie Stebar. House. Built in 1902.
Two-story house with a bay window and wrap around porch. Owned by Gary & Vickie Stebar, built in 1902
Frank and Elva Douthat
Far away view of a one story brick house with a detached shed. Owned by Frank & Elva Douthat, built in 1970
Tim and Becky Douthat. House. Built in 1950.
One story house with a car parked infront of it. Owned by Tim & Beck Douthat, built in 1950
Fred and Barbara Carlisle. House. Built in 1991.
Large two story house with front and back porches, located on a lone hill. Owned by Fred & Barbara Carlisle, built in 1991
Vince and Pam Crewey. House. Built in 1850s.
Two story white house with a front porch located on a hill. Owned by Vince & Pam Crewey, built in the 1850s
Tom and Denita Verbeck. House. Built in 1886. Side View
Two and a half story house with a wrap around proch, surronded by trees. Owned by Tom & Denita Verbeck, built in 1886
Tom and Denita Verbeck. House. Built in 1886.
Two and a half story house with a wrap around proch, surronded by trees. Owned by Tom & Denita Verbeck, built in 1886
Norris and Mary Stiff. House. Built in 1920.
One story white house with a front porch, shaded by trees. Owned by Norris & Mary Stiff, built in 1920
Atlee Stiff. House. Built in 1938.
One story white house with a front porch on a hill. Owned by Atlee Stiff, built in 1938
Marilyn Moses. House. Built in 1970.
Very distant photo of a house in the Appalachian Mountains. Owned by Marilyn Moses, built in 1970
Gene Lafon. House. Built in 1926.
Two-story white house with stone accents. Owned by Gene Lafon, built in 1926
Martin Farrier and Rebecca Hughes. House. Built in 1995.
One story paneled house with shingle roofing. Owned by Martin Farrier & Rebecca Hughes, built in 1995
Grayden and Glenda Shrader. Scales. Built in 1920.
Wooden shack with a wooden scale machine inside. Owned by Grayden & Glenda Shrader, built in 1920
Lloyd Lewyn and Wendell Caldwell. Farmstead. Built 1850.
One story house with a stone chimney surronded by a fenced in pasture. Owned by lloyd Lewyn & Wendell Caldwell, built in 1850
Phil and Judy Keatin. House. Built in 1980.
Two story stone house with a wooden addition and a large satellite. Owned by Phil & Judy Keatin, built in 1980
John Barringer. House. Built 1940.
Shot from behind a stone wall of a one story house with a front porch. Owned by John Barringer, built in 1940
Roger Moses. House. Built in 1935.
One and half story house with a wire fence. Owned by Roger Moses, built in 1935
Sid and Brenda Baldwin. House. Built in 1975.
One story house at the end of a long driveway. Owned by Sid & Brenda Baldwin, built in 1975
Jerry and Connie Moses. House. Built in 1982.
Two-story car wth an attached garage. Owned by Jerry & Connie Moses, built in 1982
Adam and Angela Robertson. House. Built in 1995.
Two story white house with a long balcony, surronded by trees. Owned by Adam & Angela Robertson, built in 1995
Dorie Ditton. House. Built in 1975.
One story manufactured house with an attached porch. Owned by Dorie Ditton, built in 1975
Will Lafon House. Nancy Sibold. Built in 1855. (2)
Will Lafon House: One story white house with a wood roof. Owned by Nancy Sibold, built in 1855
Will Lafon House. Nancy Sibold. Built in 1855. (1)
Will Lafon House: Two-story wood cabin with a front porch right next to a river (could be a flood). Owned by Nancy Sibold, built in 1855
Nancy Sibold. House. Built in 1856. Back View.
Two and a half story white house with a front porch, shrubery, and a wooden fence. Owned by Nancy Sibold, built in 1856
Nancy Sibold. House. Built in 1856. Closeup
Two and a half story white house with a front porch, shrubery, and a wooden fence. Owned by Nancy Sibold, built in 1856
Nancy Sibold. House. Built in 1856.
Two and a half story white house with a front porch, shrubery, and a wooden fence. Owned by Nancy Sibold, built in 1856
Ed Sibold. House. Built in 1994.
Two story paneled house with a stone chimeny and large back porch. Owned by Ed Sibold, built in 1994
Haskell and Margie Miller. House. Built in 1970.
Two story white house with a back porch. Owned by Haskell & Margie Miller, built in 1970
Phillip and Adele Schirmer. House. Built in 1992.
One story brick house with a front yard located on a hill in the Appalachian mountains. Owned by Phillip & Adele Schirmer, built in 1992
Carol Noblit. House. Built in 1994.
One story white house with items strewn across the backyard. Owned by Carol Noblit (Noblitt), built in 1994
Sibold and Vaught. House. Carol Noblitt. Built in 1896.
Sibold & Vaught House: Two story paneled house with a front balcony, Owned by Carol Nobiltt, built in 1896
Tom Brobson and David Brady. House. Built in 1990.
Three story house with a balcony and sunlights. Owned by Tom Brobson & David Brody, built in 1990
Norris Stiff. Barn. Built in 1940.
One story barn with a tin roof, connected to a fenced in pasture. Owned by Norris Stiff, built in 1940
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