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  • Subject is exactly "International Archive of Women in Architecture (IAWA)"

Travel sketch of unidentified building done by Lilia Skala.

Travel sketch produced by Sigrid Rupp on an architectural study trip in Guanejuato, Mexico, November 15, 1988. Sigrid Lorenzen Rupp was born January 3, 1943, in Bremerhaven, Germany. She studied architecture at the University of California-Berkeley,…

Fashion sketch produced by Judith (Dita) Roque-Gourary for a school assignment as a student at the Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Architecture et des Arts Decoratifs de Belgique. Judith (Dita) Roque-Gourary was born July 26, 1915 in St. Petersburg,…

Floor plan, bird's eye view and perspective drawings of the Susume Abe residence completed in 1967 by Kimiko Suzuki. Abe was a famous education critic in Japan. Kimiko Suzuki (1929-1992) attended Japan Women’s University and was their first graduate…

Coade's Lithodipyra or Artificial Manufactory Trade Card, probably printed about 1784. The Coade stone business was started by Eleanor Coade in 1769 and operated into the 1833, later run by a business partner after Coade's death. The trade card was…

1953 newspaper clipping for an article titled "Blonde Designs, Builds Houses in Marin" from Marin Magazine (Marin County, California) featuring Lois Gottlieb and a colleague reviewing building plans.

Site plan on design vellum for River Run residence, a renovation project. Project #0810

Axonometric view from above for River Run residence, a renovation project. Project #0810

Site plan as cyanotype print (blueprint) for River Run residence, a renovation project. Project #0810

Site plan showing great geographical and topographical detail for River Run residence, a renovation project. Project #0810

Front elevation for River Run residence, a renovation project. Project #0810

Side elevation for River Run residence, a renovation project. Project #0810

Side elevation for River Run residence, a renovation project. Project #0810

Rear elevation for River Run residence, a renovation project. Project #0810

Side section for River Run residence, a renovation project. Project #0810

Marked up draft of presentation drawing on design vellum for Yerba Buena Gardens, part of a large commercial project. Unbuilt due to disruption of funding. Project #0800

Mission Street elevation and presentation drawing, painted on paper for Yerba Buena Gardens, part of a large commercial project. Unbuilt due to disruption of funding. Project #0800

Mission Street elevation drawn on design vellum for Yerba Buena Gardens, part of a large commercial project. Unbuilt due to disruption of funding. Project #0800

Presentation drawing for Yerba Buena Gardens, part of a large commercial project. Unbuilt due to disruption of funding. Project #0800

Axonometric view from above for Yerba Buena Gardens, part of a large commercial project. Unbuilt due to disruption of funding. Project #0800

Site plan for Yerba Buena Gardens, part of a large commercial project. Unbuilt due to disruption of funding. Project #0800

Early rough sketch on tracing paper for Yerba Buena Gardens, part of a large commercial project. Unbuilt due to disruption of funding. Project #0800

Later stage design sketch on tracing paper, can be identified in presentation drawings and elevations, for Yerba Buena Gardens, part of a large commercial project. Unbuilt due to disruption of funding. Project #0800

General notes and specifications printed as part of a set of construction drawings for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting innovative educational needs. Project #0807

Details, including elevations, sections, perspective, and floor plan views, for ground floor stairs, printed as part of a set of construction drawings for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for…

Construction plan for second floor, complete with schedules, hardware specifications, and other details as part of a set of construction drawings for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting…

Reflected ceiling plan for second floor, printed as part of a set of construction drawings for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting innovative educational needs. Project #0807

Paint and finish plan for second floor, printed as part of a set of construction drawings for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting innovative educational needs. Project #0807

Furniture, paint and finish plan for second floor, printed as part of a set of construction drawings for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting innovative educational needs. Project #0807

Detail sections for work stations, cabinetry, storage spaces on first and second floors, printed as part of a set of construction drawings for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting…

Details elevations for spaces on second and third floors, printed as part of a set of construction drawings for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting innovative educational needs. Project…

Details elevations for work stations, desks, and cabinetry on second and third floors, printed as part of a set of construction drawings for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting innovative…

Cabinet details for second and third floors, printed as part of a set of construction drawings for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting innovative educational needs. Project #0807

Wall, column, shelving, desk details for ground floor, printed as part of a set of construction drawings for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting innovative educational needs. Project…

Proposed third floor plan, printed on design vellum, for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting innovative educational needs. Project #0807

Proposed second floor plan, printed on design vellum, for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting innovative educational needs. Project #0807

Axonometric drawing showing ground floor of facilities from above, printed on design vellum, for the San Francisco Ballet Building, part of the Civic Center complex in San Francisco. Project #0753

Axonometric drawing showing ground floor of facilities from above, printed on design vellum, for the San Francisco Ballet Building, part of the Civic Center complex in San Francisco. Project #0753

Site plan on design vellum for the San Francisco Ballet Building, part of the Civic Center complex in San Francisco. Project #0753

Conceptual design drawing (axonometric) on design vellum for the San Francisco Ballet Building, part of the Civic Center complex in San Francisco. Project #0753

Design drawing for Grove Street entry for the San Francisco Ballet Building, part of the Civic Center complex in San Francisco. Project #0753

Interior elevations for first and second floor toilets and dressing rooms for the San Francisco Ballet Building, part of the Civic Center complex in San Francisco. Project #0753

Presentation drawing for the San Francisco Ballet Building, part of the Civic Center complex in San Francisco. Project #0753

Presentation drawing of alternative design for the San Francisco Ballet Building, part of the Civic Center complex in San Francisco. Project #0753

Second floor plan on design vellum for the San Francisco Ballet Building, part of the Civic Center complex in San Francisco. Project #0753

First floor plan on design vellum for the San Francisco Ballet Building, part of the Civic Center complex in San Francisco. Project #0753

Third floor plan on design vellum for the San Francisco Ballet Building, part of the Civic Center complex in San Francisco. Project #0753
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