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  • Subject is exactly "Local/Regional History and Appalachian South"

A handwritten letter from Rebecca. The cover has "Go VT Hokies," in block letters. The inside has a positive message about praying for Virginia Tech and its students.

A handwritten letter from Gabriela. It has a heart in the middle with a positive message about support and love inside the heart.

A handwritten letter from Hailey J. from Richardson North Jr. High. The cover has a drawing of a cross and hearts surrounding it. The inside expresses sympathy and condolences to VT students.

A handwritten letter from Estephani from Richardson North Jr. High. The cover has the word "Love" in big letters. The inside expresses sympathy and condolences to VT students.

A handwritten letter from Aubrie A. from Richardson North Jr. High. The letter expresses a positive message of condolences and sympathy to the VT students. It has a "Bless You" in bubble letters under the message.

A handwritten letter from Ana O. from Richardson North Jr. High. The letter expresses a positive message of condolences and sympathy to the VT students. It has a rainbow border.

A anonymous drawing from a student at Richardson North Jr. High. The drawing has a headstone with the words "R.I.P April 16, 2007, For all of those who died on that day," inscripted on it.

A handwritten letter from Olivia. The letter expresses a Hail Mary message that leads to condolences and sympathy to the VT students. It has drawings of crosses in the corner and a border.

A handwritten letter from Juan. The letter expresses a Hail Mary message that leads to condolences and sympathy to the VT students. It has a drawing of VT under the message.

A hand drawn picture from Nick. It has a VT and cross in the center. Under the drawing are the words, "Rest in Peace Students and Teachers."

A handwritten letter from Colleen, expressing condolences and sympathy for VT students. They state that "Today we remember Virginia Tech." The border is colored orange with VT hokies on the left top side and Virginia Tech along the bottom.

A handwritten letter from Jessie. It has big, block-lettered VT in the center. In the block-lettered VT, there are words, expressing sympathy and condolences to the families of students. The end of the letter states "My thoughts and prayers are with…

A hand drawn picture from Nick. It has a VT and cross in the center. Under the drawing are the words, "Rest in Peace Students and Teachers."

A hand drawn picture from Nathan. It has a VT in the center. Under the VT are the words, "Go Hokies" and a rose.

A hand drawn picture from Dakota. It has a VT in the middle and crosses on the side. Written in the VT is "In the memory of Virginia Tech Hokies students."

A hand drawn picture from Alena. It has a big, block-lettered VT with roses and the words "In the memory of."

A handmade booklet of letters from students at Gavit Middle School. The letters are created by different students and includes various drawings and positive messages that expresses sympathy to VT students.

A large handwritten card from unknown class. The cover has the words, "Sorry Virginia Tech" and a bouquet of flowers. The inside has a positive message that expresses sympathy and is signed by the students of the class.

A large handwritten card fromM's. Kibben's kindergarten class. The cover has the words, "Thinking of you." The inside has a positive message that expresses sympathy and is signed by the students of the class.

A large handwritten card from Mrs. McGurn's 2nd grade class. The cover has the words, "Thinking of you." The inside has a positive message that expresses sympathy and is signed by the students of the class.

A large handwritten card from Mrs. Lommis class. The cover has a crying face. The inside has a positive message that expresses sympathy and is signed by the students of the class.

A large handwritten card from Mrs. Cochran 5th grade. The cover has the words, "Thinking of you." The inside has a positive message that expresses sympathy and is signed by the students of the class.

A hand drawn picture from an anonymous student from Charlevoix MI Elementary School. It is of the sun with a smile face and roses on the side. Under the sun, there is the word "Sorry."

A hand drawn picture from Kassie. It is a of trees with the words "Love" and "We care" in between the trees.

A hand drawn picture from Brandon. It has a heart in the middle with green swirls around it.

A hand drawn picture from Auburn. It has a rose growing from the ground, a blue sky and yellow sun. Under the rose are the words "I'm sorry."

A handwritten letter from Ashli. The cover has a drawing of an angel with a quote from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The inside has a positive message expressing sympathy to Virginia Tech students.

A handwritten letter from Angela. The letter has three different colored hearts that join in the middle. In each other them, they express sympathy to the VT students.

A handwritten letter from Allison M. The letter expresses sympathy to the VT students, stating that this day and the students will never be forgotten.

A handwritten letter from Spencer K, Oakton High School. The letter expresses sympathy to the VT students, especially his brother who was a junior at the school. He expresses support for the university and hope for the students and their future.

A handwritten letter from Kyle, Oakton High School. The letter expresses sympathy to the VT students.

A handwritten note from Maria Flores sending condolences to those who were affected. It has a drawing on a rose in the middle of the page and a heart drawn around her words.

A handwritten letter from Anthony who sends sympathy and condolences to the students, encouraging to keep learning and going to school.

An anonymous handwritten yellow letter by a student from Ellison High School, stating "With Time things will get easier."

An anonymous handwritten green letter by a student from Ellison High School, stating "Sorry for your loss!" It has hand drawn hearts on the side.

An anonymous handwritten letter by a student from Ellison High School, stating "our hearts are with you!"

An anonymous handwritten blue letter by a student from, expressing sympathy and sorrow for Virginia Tech. They are also sending love.

A handwritten letter from Caresse who expresses sympathy toward Virginia Tech. There is a Hokie Respect sticker at the top with hand drawn VT around it. There is alo god bless written on the sides, as well as, a note on the bottom stating, "Texas and…

An anonymous hand drawn picture from a student of Ellison High School. It has a hand drawn flower in the center with a heart coming from its center. In the heart has VT written in it. There is also words under the flower stating, "Those that died…

Photograph of the spring house at Solitude. Although undated, this would have been taken sometime when the Fletchers lived at the house, likely some time between spring 1909 and summer 1914. The two figures are not identified.

Photograph of Margaret, Robert, Richard, and Stevenson Fletcher on the Solitude lawn. This photograph was taken after a snow and has the Duck Pond in the background.

Photograph of Robert and Richard Fletcher on the Solitude lawn with a caretaker, July 1909. The caption reads "Playing on Solitude lawn with nurse Dollie ('Dar-ee') July 1909."

Photograph of Robert and Richard Fletcher on the Solitude lawn, December 1908. The Fletchers moved into Solitude in November 1908.

Photograph of a kindergarten class on the lawn of Solitude, June 1913, labeled "Miss Rosa's kindergarten, at Solitude. June, 1913."

Scrapbook page belonging to Richard Rolston Fletcher, including photographs from Solitude in 1913 and 1914. Photographs include exteriors and interiors of Solitude in 1913 and early 1914, many featuring Fletcher children.

Scrapbook page belonging to Richard Rolston Fletcher, including photographs from Solitude in 1913. Photographs include kindergarten on the Solitude lawn and the Fletcher family in their cart (also individual photographs in this collection), as well…

Scrapbook page belonging to Richard Rolston Fletcher, including photographs from Solitude in 1911 and 1912. Photographs include Main Street in Blacksburg, winter on the Solitude lawn, and planting a dogwood tree in April 1912.

Scrapbook page belonging to Richard Rolston Fletcher, including photographs from Solitude in 1910. Photographs include Fishersville, Va., and Solitude in summer and winter.

Scrapbook page belonging to Richard Rolston Fletcher, including photographs from Solitude in 1909 and 1910. Photographs including the lawn and spring house of Solitude, a family summer camping trip, and a visit from Robert and Richard's grandmother.

Scrapbook page belonging to Richard Rolston Fletcher, including photographs from Solitude in 1908 and 1909. Photographs include the Fletcher children on the lawn of Solitude in fall, winter, and spring.
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