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Military Order, To Col. Preston. Personnel transfer. Signed: H. Wells, Camp Pickens, November 24, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston. Directions for transfers. Signed: Thomas Rhett, Camp Pickens, June 18, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston. Detail for tomorrow. By order of Col. Terrett, Signed: Davis Mitchell, Camp Pickens, June 16, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston. Call on the Brig. General tomorrow after breakfast. Signed: Geo. Lay, Head Quarters, Advances Forces, Army of the Potomac, Fairfax C.H., July 1, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston, Send one battallion to march for Mitchell's force, Signed: Phillip Cocke, Camp Pickens, June 21, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston, regiment will not be inspected tomorrow, Signed Thomas Rhett, Camp Pickens, June 15, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston, Regarding troop movements, Signed: J. Longstreet, Brig. Gen., Head Quarters, Advanced Forces, September 27, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston, regarding a committee to value the horses in the company warehouse, Lynchburg, May 20 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston, Moving three regiments, Signed: J. Longstreet, Brig. Gen., Head Quarters, Advanced Forces, September 27, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston, Make requisitions for ammunition. By order of Col. Cocke, Head Quarters, 5th Brigade, June 24, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston, detail W. C. Porter of the Guard, By order of Col. Terrett, Signed Davis Mitchell, Camp Pickens, June 14, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston, Detail three men to report to Doctor Fisher at the Meazles hospital for fatigue duty, By order of Col. Terrett, Signed Thomas J. Rhett, Camp Pickens, June 15, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston, Detail a Blacksmith from Capt. Wingfield's company to report to Major Cabell, By order of Col. Terrett, Signed Davis Mitchell, Camp Pickens, June 15, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston, Concerning the movement of surplus baggage to be stored at Orange, Signed by John B. Cocke, Head Quarters, 5th Brigade, June 26, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston to send men to assist Col. Moore, By order of Sam. Britchell, June 10, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston to detail troops from his regiment to Whittington Railroad Depot, By order of Col. Terrett, Signed Thomas J. Rhett, Camp Pickens, June 12, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston to detail men for General Guard duty, By order of Col. Terrett, Signed Sam P. Mitchell, Camp Pickens, June 15, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston to detail men for General Guard duty, By order of Col. Terrett, Signed Sam P. Mitchell, Camp Pickens, June 14, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston to detail men for General Guard duty, By order of Col. Terrett, Signed Sam P. Mitchell, Camp Pickens, June 10, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston to detail a group to report at 8:30 AM for General Guard duty, By order of Col. Terrett, Signed by Davis Mitchell, Camp Pickens, June 13, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston Order for men to be detailed for General Guard duty, By order of Col. Terrett, Signed Sam P. Mitchell, Camp Pickens, June 11, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Thomas Jordan to Robert T. Preston, regarding the discharge of privates for disability, Camp Pickens, Va, June 6, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, The regiment under my command is the one selected form the 5th Brigade to report to construct a portion of the Advanced Guard. Signed: Col. Preston, Head Quarters 28th Regiment Va. Volunteers, Camp near Centreville, October 17, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, The Colonel approves of the proceedings of the Board of Survey (regarding food spoilage) and orders that the beef be thrown away and other issued in its place, Signed Thomas Rhett, Camp Pickens, June 15, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Subsistence of Officers, undated (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Special Order B.F. Terry, T.S. Tubbock and D. Conner of the Texas Rangers are acting as Scouts. Supply them due provisions by order of Brig. General Beauregard, Signed by Thomas Jordan, June 25, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Sergeant Thomas Lewis appointed to Sergeant Major, by order of Robert Preston, Head Quarters, Camp Lee, May 19, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Request that Col. Preston amend the Regiment Report, Signed by W. C. Morgan, Head Quarters, Department of Alexandria, Va, May 30, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Request issued by Col. Preston for cartridge caps, to Col. S. Jones, Chief of Ordinance. Signed Col. R. T. Preston, Camp Pickens, June 9, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Request for the dates of commission of two men in Col. Preston's Company, Signed Thomas Jordan, Camp Pickens, June 11, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Request for supply report. Signed: Col. Preston, Camp Cocke, June 30, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Request for Col. Preston to detail private to act as orderly, by order of Thomas Jordan, May 31, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Regarding troop movement. By order of Col. Preston, Masons Hill, September 26, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Regarding guard duty. By order of Brig. Genl. Bonham, Signed by Geo N. Lay, Head Quarters, Advanced Forces, Army of the Potomac, Fairfax C.H. June 29, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
From: Head Quarters, Advanced Forces, Army of the Potomac, Fairfax C.H. Regarding Guard Duty, sentinels must challenge so as to be heard distinctly two or three times repeatedly before cocking their weapon. By order of Brig. Genl. Bonham, Signed:…
Military Order, Regarding Col. Preston assuming command of all infantry Companies of the Volunteer Forces of Virginia, signed Col. Preston, Camp Smith, May 17 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Rank Appointment of Thomas Lewis, April 28, 1862 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Promotion of Lieut. Henry Allen to instructor. By order of Col. R. T. Preston, Camp Pickens, June 8, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Orders from Col Preston, undated (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Order No. 4: List of eight rules to be observed in camps and quarters of the Va. Volunteers, Signed by JA Early, Head Quarters, Lynchburg, Va, May 18, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Order No. 3: Organization of local companies under Col. Preston, Signed by JA Early, Head Quarters, Lynchburg, Va, May 18, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Order No. 12: Announcement of Inspection, By Order of Col. Robert T. Preston, May 31, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Order No. 11: Instructions Regarding Men Firing Guns and Pistols Within the Encampment, By Order of Robert T. Preston, May 28, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Order No. 10 by Col Robert T. Preston, May 26, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Order No. 10, Instructions for the camp to be ready to march out at 4 o'clock tomorrow morning. By order of Col. Robert T. Preston, May 26, 1861.
Military Order, Officer in Charge, undated, no.2 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Officer in Charge, undated (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, No. 9: Prepare and hold in readiness to march to Lynchburg Sunday morning the 26th, By order of Col. Preston, undated (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, No. 43: Transfer of Capt. Shipord to Col. Preston's command, By Order of Col. Terrett, Camp Pickens, June 7, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, No. 42: Orders to detail for Guard duty, By order of Brig. General Beauregard, Signed Thomas Jordan, Camp Pickens, June 5, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, No. 41: Request for two carpenters equipped with tools to report to the Quarter Masters office, Signed: John Gilme, Camp Pickens, June 5, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, No. 37: Col. Preston will furnish a detail of six men for two days to aid the Quarter Masters Dept. in necessary labor, By order of Brig. General Beauregard, Signed Thomas Jordan, Camp Pickens, June 3, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
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