Newspaper clipping of Marjorie Rhodes Townsend at the 13th annual Federal Woman's award banquet. The picture and blurb were published in the Washington, D.C. Evening Star and Daily News.
Newspaper clipping of an article in the Washington Post about six women receiving awards from the Federal Women's Award program for outstanding careers in the U.S. Civil Service. Marjorie Rhodes Townsend is featured.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (sitting, fourth from left) and seven unidentified people, one of whom is standing behind the rest talking at a podium.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (right) and four unidentified men, mostly in tuxedos, posing for the photograph. Two of the men are holding certificates.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (second from right) talking with an unidentified man at a dinner table with other unidentified people sitting beside them.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak standing next to a podium at the City College of New York Alumni Banquet. Marshak is talking with an unidentified group of people.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak standing behind the podium at the City College of New York Alumni Banquet. A banner in the background says "[C]CNY Alumni Association". There are several unidentified people clapping and listening.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left) and an unidentified man posing. The two men are wearing graduation robes, and Marshak's robe contains the seal of the City College of New York.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left) and an unidentified man. The two are wearing graduation robes, and Marshak's robe contains the seal of the City College of New York.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (center) with two unidentified men, all wearing graduation robes and posing for the photograph. Marshak's robe contains the seal of the City College of New York.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (right) presenting a diploma to an unidentified person in front of a sign that says "1974". This ceremony is probably from City College of New York.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak receiving doctoral hood at the City University of New York. Marshak received an honorary Doctor of Science degree from CUNY's Graduate School and University Center at its June 1979 commencement. He also received an…
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (center) and two unidentified men at a graduation ceremony posing for a photograph. The ceremony is likely at City College of New York.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (right) at a graduation ceremony. Marshak is standing at the podium watching someone receiving their doctoral hood. They are standing in front of a partial sign reading "L[e]ge", probably for the City College of New…
Photograph of an unidentified group of people at an unknown location for a ground breaking ceremony. Symbols on their hard hats resemble the seal of the City College of New York.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (right) at a graduation ceremony probably at the City College of New York. Marshak is at the podium, shaking hands with an unidentified person as others watch on and clap. They are standing in front of part of a sign…