Letter from Boyd C. Myers, II, Secretary of the Panel on Aircraft Accident Survival of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Committee on Operating Problems. The letter is addressed to Melvin N. Gough and references enclosed copies of…
Technical note written by Melvin Gough for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics during his time at the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory. This is NACA technical note no. 299.
Volume 27, number 4, of Goddard News, a NASA publication from the Goddard Space Flight Center. This weekly publication was most likely distributed to employees of the Space Flight Center.
Newspaper clipping of Marjorie Rhodes Townsend at the 13th annual Federal Woman's award banquet. The picture and blurb were published in the Washington, D.C. Evening Star and Daily News.
Newspaper clipping of an article in the Washington Post about six women receiving awards from the Federal Women's Award program for outstanding careers in the U.S. Civil Service. Marjorie Rhodes Townsend is featured.
Newspaper clipping of an article about Marjorie Rhodes Townsend. The article discusses her work with NASA's Small Astronomy Satellites, her background, and her family.
A draft of a report with a calculation of the rotation of the line of apsides resulting from the atmospheric drag in a spherical atmosphere by H.J. Stewart, professor of aeronautics. It includes a typed letter to Herrick at the beginning from…
A report written by Dr. Bruce C. Murray, presented at the Western Meeting of the American Rocket Society, in Los Angeles, California, in May 1960. This was included in Herrick's subject files.