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NASA Photo S-66-43208 "Gemini X Suiting Up" from the Gemini 10 Mission. Astronaut Michael Collins makes adjustments to his space helmet during suiting up process prior to liftoff.
Gemini 10 Command Pilot John W. Young leads the way as he and Co-Pilot Michael Collins leave the suiting van at Cape Kennedy, FL.
John W. Young, the command pilot of Gemini 10, is presented a huge mock pair of pliers before he and fellow Astronaut Michael Collins boarded their spacecraft.
Michael Collins, who is scheduled to take a walk in space during his three-day flight in Gemini 10 with John W. Young, gets suited up in preparation for his blast-off.
NASA Photo S-66-41160. Astronaut Michael Collins getting his spacesuit checked by NASA scientists before the Gemini 10 Mission.
Locked in their tiny Gemini 10 spacecraft are Astronauts John W. Young and Michael Collins in this unusual "fisheye" lens shot of the capsule before the gantry was lowered at Pad 19.
An Agena space vehicle riding atop a powerful Atlas booster, spewing flames and smoke, rocketed off its pad at Cape Kennedy, FL.
A Titan 2 rocket lifts from the pad at Cape Kennedy today carrying the Gemini 10 capsule and astronauts John W. Young and Michael Collins to a planned three-day voyage in space.
The Titan 2, carrying the Gemini 10 capsule and astronauts John W. Young and Michael Collins, blasts off from a Cape Kennedy pad in pursuit of an Atlas-Agena launced 101 minutes earlier. The photo is the result of a double exposure.
Mrs. Pat Collins, wife of Air Force Maj. Michael Collins, gestures as she talks with newsmen at the family home in El Lago near the Spacecraft Center following the successful launch.
Members of the Recovery Control Center Staff at Manned Spacecraft Center Houston, TX, watch as Gemini 10 spaceflight begins the roll after launching from Cape Kennedy.
This is an artist's drawing of how the Gemini 10 space capsule will be pushed into a higher orbit when they ignite the 16,000-pound thrust multi-start Agena rocket engine while docked with the Agena target vehicle.
A fisheye camera lens view of astronauts Michael Collins and John W. Young walking down the ramp at Pad 19.
The Gemini 10 spacecraft launching from Complex 19. A time exposure creates the illusion of multiple rocker arms.
Transcript of the air-to-ground voice recordings from the Gemini 10 mission (07:16:47-23:13:26), July 18-19, 1966
Transcript 1 of 2 of the air-to-ground, ground-to-air audio recording from the Gemini 10 mission, July 18-21, 1966.
Transcript 2 of 2 of the air-to-ground, ground-to-air audio recording from the Gemini 10 mission, July 18-21, 1966.
Transcript of the Gemini 10 Mission Commentary, July 19, 1966.
Flames pour from an Atlas rocket as it pushes an Agena target vehicle toward orbit and 100 minutes later the Gemini 10 spacecraft starts in pusuit atop a Titan 2 rocket.
As Gemini 10 spaceflight continued to orbit the earth on its complex mission, ground crew members at Mission Control reflected these expressions as they went about their various assignments.
Clifford E. Charlesworth, one of the Gemini 10 flight directors, explains the EVA maneuver to be attempted by Astronaut Michael Collins during the spaceflight.
Mrs. Pat Collins, wife of Air Force Maj. Michael Collins, and her sister, Mrs. Bernard Golden of Wellesly, Mass., arrive at Ellington AFB chapel where they attended Catholic mass.
While their dad, Maj. Michael Collins was busy with experiments in space during the flight of Gemini 10, Michael Jr. 3, and his sisters, Kathleen, 7, and Ann, 5, get ready to take a ride in the driveway of their home in Nassau Bay, near the Manned…
Mrs. Pat Collins, wife of Gemini 10 pilot Mike Collins, jests with newsmen as she and her sister, Mrs. Ellie Golden, walk to a neighbor's home to attend a swimming party today.
View of the Agena Target Module from the Gemini spacecraft shortly before docking.
View of the Agena Target Module from the Gemini spacecraft shortly before docking.
The Agena Target Vehicle docked with the Gemini 10 Spacecraft, seen from the Gemini window.
New York Post Headline "G-Twins Top Russians 476 Miles Up!", July 19, 1966.
Newspaper article "Gem Twins Latch on to Agena" from the Daily News, July 19, 1966.
Transcript 2 of 2 of the Gemini 10 mission Air-to-Ground voice communications, July 19-21, 1966.

Transcript 1 of 2 of the Gemini 10 mission Air-to-Ground voice communications, July 19-21, 1966.
Newspaper Articles "Gemini Docks With Agena, Then Starts a Maneuver to Blast into New Orbit" (07/19/66) and "22 Items Left in Space by Returning Astro-" (07/21/66)
Gemini 10 Astronauts Michael Collins and John W. Young are hoping that yesterday's problem with smarting eyes will not recur late this afternoon as they open their spacecraft's hatch to conduct experiments in space.
Gemini 10 Astronaut-pilot Michael Collins got the "go ahead" today to walk in space on a 50 foot lifeline and use a gas-powered hand gun to propel himself over to Agena 8. AP Artist John Carlton shows how Collins might accomplish his feat.
Astronaut John W. Young is hoisted from the water by a recovery helicopter from the prime recovery ship, the USS Guadalcanal.
The Gemini 10 spaceflight is concluded as the spacecraft, with astronauts John W. Young and Michael Collins aboard, touches down in the Atlantic.
The crew of the Gemini 10 mission, John W. Young and Michael Collins, aboard the prime recovery ship, the USS Guadalcanal.
Daily News article "Oxygen Trouble Halts Space Stunt" from July 20, 1966.
NASA Photo 66-H-1022, Cape Kennedy, FL, July 21, 1966. John Stonesifer, a NASA landing and recovery official, greets Gemini 10 Astronauts John W. Young and Michael Collins aboard the USS Guadalcanal after the space pilots disembarked from the…
NASA Photo 66-H-1025, Cape Kennedy, FL, July 21, 1966. Gemini 10 Astronauts John W. Young and Michael Collins are welcomed aboard the USS Guadalcanal following their spalsh down and recovery in the Atlantic Ocean, 460 nautical miles east of Cape…
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