Browse Items (336 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Sexual minorities"

A Report from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare on homosexuality, dated October 10, 1969. This report was given to Vice President William McKeefery and included in a file with documentation regarding the decision to accept or reject the…

A statement by Alfred H. Krebs, Vice President for Special Projects, on the rationale for rejecting the approval of the Gay Student Alliance as an official Virginia Tech student group, written on May 5, 1976.

Dining hall tent card produced by the AIDS Education Committee advertising the upcoming AIDS Education Forum.

Dining hall tent cards produced by the AIDS Education Committee promoting AIDS awareness and education.

Lambda Horizon request for a small grant to help fund an AIDS Education Forum.

A Lambda Horizon request to the Student Budget Board for funds to move and maintain a phone line for the organization.

A Lambda Horizon request to the Student Budget Board for a small grant to help fund the 3rd Annual Gay Awareness Week.

Letter to Lambda Horizon President Mark A. Weber from the University of Virginia's Director of Student Health inviting him and Jo Anne Underwood to attend a meeting at the ACHA's AIDS colloquium in New Orleans.

Letter produced by Virginia Tech's Divcision of Student Health regarding the imprtance of education in the fight against AIDS and the upcoming AIDS Education Forum to be held on March 1, 1986.

Letter to Virginia Tech faculty members inviting them to attend the AIDS Education Forum on March 1, 1986.

Letter to selected universities and organizations from the AIDS Education Committee inviting them to attend the AIDS Education Forum to be held at Virginia Tech on Mar ch 1, 1986.

Letter from Lambda Horizon Spokesperson Brian McConnell to Mark Weber concerning an alumni group and a statewide conference for gay and lesbian students being held at Virginia Tech. A conference flyer and schedule is included with the letter.

A letter from the Director of Student Health Services, Dr. Charles W. Schiffert to the Student Budget Board encouraging them to approve funding for Mark Weber and Keith McIlhenny to attend the American College Health Convention in New Orleans.

A leter from former Lambda Horizon President Mark Weber to University of Virginia's Director of Student Health Services Dr. Richard P. Keeling updating him on Virginia Tech's AIDS Education programs.

Letter from Lambda Horizon President Mark Weber to the Collegiate Times editiorials editor Rochelle Royce submitting an editorial for the paper.

Letter from Edward Spencer, Virginia tech's Director of Housing and Residence Life, to Dr. Sullivan, Dr. Cross, the AIDS Education Committee, and Administrative Staff concerning Housing Policies Related to AIDS. Attached is the American College…

Letter to the Virginia tech Faculty from Lambda Horizon Officers regarding the services the grioup provides to students and faculty at Virginia tech.

Letter to friends of Lambda Horizon from Mark Weber announcing the group's first Gay Alumni Weekend.

Letter to the Editor-in-Chief of the Collegiate Times from Mark Weber asking him to consider writing a story on Virginia Tech's Student Health Services and Lambda Horizons involvement in the American College Helath Association's national conference.

Letter to Mr. Kim McDonald from the AIDS Education Committee inviting him to attend the AIDS Education Forum at Virginia Tech on March 1, 1986.

Letter from Paul M. Gherman, Director of Libraries, to Lambda Horizon requesting a group representative to contact him to discuss "a matter of concern."

Letter to the friends of Lambda Horizon from Mark weber regarding a retirement celebration for Lambda Horizon supporter Luther Brice.

A general statement on institutional responses to AIDS produced by the American College Health Association's Task Force on AIDS.

A document produced by Brandeis University on "Developing an AIDS Information Program on Your Campus," with handwritten notes on the document.

An essay entitled "Matthew: If a Tree Should Fall" written by Ann Goette specifically for the AIDS Education Forum.

Handout produced by the AIDS Education Committee promoting the AIDS Education Forum held at Virginia Tech on March 1, 1986.

Handout detailing some of the upcoming activities at Lambda Horizon's Gay Awareness Week.

Handout promoting Lambda Horizon's Gay Awareness Week.

Invitation to a Pomp and Circumstance Ball on February 28, 1986 hosted by Lambda Horizon, as well as an invitation to the AIDS Education Forum and reception held on March 1, 1986.

Invitation to a Halloween party hosted by Lambda Horizon on November 1, 1986.

Invitation to a Sunday Festivities function sponsored by Lambda Horizon.

Handout produced by Lambda Horizon describing some common myths about homosexuality.

Transparency with Lambda Horizon's four organization objectives listed.

Questionaire for heterosexuals produced and distributed by Lambda Horizon.

Letter from Brian McConnel to Mark Weber regarding an upcoming conference for gay student group leaders being held by JMU's Harmony student group.

Personal note card from J. Dean O'Donnel to Mark Weber.

Letter from Jo Ann Underwood to mark Weber regarding a newspaper article.

Personal letter to Mark Weber from Patrick Horan updating him on his family life and work.

Letter to other Vriginia college gay and lesbian groups from Roland Follot regarding a planned trip to Kings Dominion Amusement Park.
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