Newspaper article, "Administrative Work at Tech Ordered Reorganized by Board: Visitors Create Committees to Deal with Pressing Problems," by Horace Hood, III. This pdf document was created from an existing webpage from the original 125th Anniversary…
The stained glass, gold-plated figure is an angel kneeling in prayer with a VT belt. An attached note says it is hand crafted by the Angels of Love organization. The note also says "This angel is freely given - they are never sold."
This is the pdf of an essay, "Confederates in the Collegium: The Influence of J.E.B. Stuart's Leadership on the Development of Virginia Tech," by Patrick W. Carlton, that was available online. In addition, there is a picture of Patrick W. Carlton,…
Card from Costa Mesa, CA, c. 2007. Transcriptions reads "Mr, Steger / Dear, Mr. Steger I feel / bad for the 32 die / and I bet anything / that they love you / alot and they will / miss you and you / will miss them / to and I hope / you feel better /…
Card from Costa Mesa, CA, c. 2007. Transcriptions reads "Family of Virginia Tech students / I am sorry for the loss of your loved ones. / I know that you are said, but one day you will feel better. / God bless you. / I will pray for your family".
A letter from Kevin M. Shea, Virginia Tech Class of 1989, dated April 21, 2008, with a poem entitled "Flower, Forest, Meadow: In memoril, 04/16/07", by Shea.
Newspaper article, "Four Women on Boards of Leading Virginia Colleges: Two Will Serve at University of Virginia and Two at Virginia Tech," by Virginia Waller Davis, Roanoke Times, August 16, 1944. This pdf document was created from an existing…
The "Harmony" rock sculpture is 1 of 4 square rocks with Chinese characters and English words for harmony, love, peace, tranquility, “sent by your friends in Texas”.
The "Love" rock sculpture is 1 of 4 square rocks with Chinese characters and English words for harmony, love, peace, tranquility, “sent by your friends in Texas”.
The "Peace" rock sculpture is 1 of 4 square rocks with Chinese characters and English words for harmony, love, peace, tranquility, “sent by your friends in Texas”.
A letter from Mary L. Martin of Tidewater Community College, April 6, 2008, with an enclosed poem "Tears for Tech" by Martin, dated April 16, 2007. [Personal contact information has been redacted.]
The "Tranquility" rock sculpture is 1 of 4 square rocks with Chinese characters and English words for harmony, love, peace, tranquility, “sent by your friends in Texas”.