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  • Subject is exactly "Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute"

This photo depicts cadets partcipating in the new army specialized tarining program in the 1940s.

150th_048. CreameryColdStorageCannery.jpg
This photo depicts the creamery and cannery on campus that was later converted into additional dorm space for campus farm workers.

150th_047. AgBldg under construction.jpg
This photo depicts the agricultural building after its construction had been finished.

150th_046. Company F 1905.jpg
This photo depicts Company F of the Corps of Cadets in 1905.

150th_043. JuniorClass1904 Resignation v1.jpg
In 1904 the Junior Class resigned after a fellow cadet was dismissed from the University. The junior class drafted this statement where they said that if the student was not reinstated that they would all resign from the University.

150th_042. Shops Expansion 04.jpg
This photo depicts the shops building after it's expansion in 1904.

150th_041. Expansion MessCommence.jpg
This photo depicts the Mess and Commencement Hall after it had been expanded.

150th_039. gibboney field 04.jpg
This photo depicts Gibboney Field in 1904, after the first permanent bleachers were installed.

150th_037. Mary Goodwin Lacy (ID from 1899 Wytheville photo) -_DSC6619.jpeg
This is a photograph of Mary Goodwin Lacy that was taken in 1899.

150th_035. ScienceHall and Barracks4.jpg
This photo depicts Science Hall and Barracks No. 4. Science Hall's construction was finished in 1901, and Barracks No. 4 was completed in 1902.

150th_022b. Creamery CheeseFactory 1897.jpg
This photo depicts the creamery and cheese factory on campus in 1897. The building was located close to where Price Hall is today.

Rector: Harvey Black, M.D. Ex-Officio: His Excellency, G. C. Walker, Governor of Virginia; Hon. J. C. Taylor, Attorney General; Rev. W. H. Ruffner, D. D., Sup't of Public Instruction; Gen. W. H. F. Lee, President State Agricultural Society. Appointed…

Rector: Honorable James C. Taylor. Ex-Officio: Honorable R. R. Farr,Superintendent Public Instruction. General Members: Andrew Broaddus, Esq., Page; W. E. Hubbard, Esq., Buckingham; Dr. L. A. Slater, New Kent; Honorable J. C. Taylor, Montgomery;…

Rector: J. Hoge Tyler, Belle Hampton, Pulaski Co. (Term expires January 1st, 1892.) Ex-Officio: Dr. John L. Buchanan, Superintendent Public Instruction, Richmond. General Members Honorable Waller R. Staples, Christiansburg; C. E. Vawter, Esq.,…

Members of the V.P.I. board of visitors, which met yesterday in a called session to draw up resolutions in an effort to correct certain conditions at the college, are pictured here together with Governor Colgate W. Darden, Jr., who met with the…

The Virginia Tech Board of Visitors met at Blacksburg yesterday for its annual meeting. Shown (left to right, front row): Mrs. H. H. Walton, Fredericks Hall; Miss Mary Fred Claytor, Bedford; Mrs. R. L. McConnell, Radford; Mrs. Turner A. Gilmer,…

Front row ( left to right): James F. Tucker, W. E. Lavery, Parke C. Binkley (rector), Margie W. Thomas (secretary), Charles W. Rector. Back row (left to right): Charles Gordon (vice-rector), Lee C. Tait, William C. Wampler, Mrs. Edsel H. Lester, Ms.…

Seated (left to right): Mary Fray, Rhea F. Moore, Jr., William E. Lavery (President), Alexander F. Giacco (Rector), Thomas B. Long, Jr., G. Truman Ward. Standing (left to right): Mary Howe diZerega, Daniel T. Goulson (student), William C. Cranwell,…

Seated (left to right): Mary Virginia Jones, Robert B. Claytor, W.S. "Pete" White, Jr. (Rector), William E. Lavery (President), Mary Fray. Standing (left to right): Robert J. Gray, Jr., William C. Latham, William G. Broaddus, Bernard L. McGinnis,…

Front Row (left to right): Gary Long - Faculty Representative, Sandra Stiner Lowe, John R. Lawson II - Rector, Charles W. Steger - President, George Nolen - Vice Rector, Michele L. Duke. Middle Row (left to right): Kristina Hartman - Undergraduate…

Front row (left to right): Cecil R. Maxson, Jr.; T. Rodman Layman; Susan Phillips Bari; Joseph R. Jenkins - Vice Rector; James E. Turner, Jr. - Rector; Paul E. Torgersen - President; Linda J. Pedigo; Roxene Thompson - Graduate Student Representative;…

Compiled list of rectors of the Board of Visitors from 1872 to 2017. The individual links to rector biographies were removed from the document in 2020 when the exhibit was migrated, and a link was added to current site for the Board of Visitors…

Photograph of Harry C. Wyatt, rector of the Board of Visitors, 1964-1970

Photograph of William E. Wine, rector of the Board of Visitors, 1948-1952

Photograph of James Hoge Tyler, rector of the Board of Visitors, 1887-1889

Photograph of Lee C. Tait, rector of the Board of Visitors, 1983-1984

Photograph of C. Eugene Rowe, rector of the Board of Visitors, 1970-1975

Photograph of Michael J. Quillen, rector of the Board of Visitors, 2012-2014

Photograph of Deborah L. Petrine, rector of the Board of Visitors, 2014-2016

Photograph of George Nolan, rector of the Board of Visitors, 2010-2012

Photograph of James E. Turner, rector of the Board of Visitors, 1997-2002

Photograph of John G. Rocovich, Jr., rector of the Board of Visitors, 2002-2004

Photograph of Lucius E. Johnson, rector of the Board of Visitors, 1910-1912

Photograph of Jacob A. Lutz, III, rector of the Board of Visitors, 2006-2008

Photograph of John R. Lawson, II, rector of the Board of Visitors, 2008-2010

Photograph of Guy L. Furr, rector of the Board of Visitors, 1956-1962

Photograph of Henry Dekker, rector of the Board of Visitors, 1996-1997

Photograph of Ben J. Davenport, Jr., rector of the Board of Visitors, 2004-2006

Photograph of Frank Clement, rector of the Board of Visitors, 1975-1978

Photograph of James L. Chapman, IV, rector of the Board of Visitors, 2016-2017

Photograph of J. Thompson Brown, rector of the Board of Visitors, 1900-1908 and 1912-1921

Photograph of Harvey Black, first rector of the Board of Visitors, 1872-1875

History of the members of the Board of Visitors with a link to the lists. The link in the pdf was updated in 2020 to current site for the Board of Visitors history and archives. This pdf document was created from an existing webpage from the original…

This photograph features J.N. Smith, Rogere, McClung, Wilson, Paxton, Anderson, Deacon, Locker. Gift of Mr. L. Goeller.
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