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  • Subject is exactly "Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute"

Newspaper article, "Administrative Work at Tech Ordered Reorganized by Board: Visitors Create Committees to Deal with Pressing Problems," by Horace Hood, III. This pdf document was created from an existing webpage from the original 125th Anniversary…

This is the pdf of an essay, "Confederates in the Collegium: The Influence of J.E.B. Stuart's Leadership on the Development of Virginia Tech," by Patrick W. Carlton, that was available online. In addition, there is a picture of Patrick W. Carlton,…

Newspaper article, "Four Women on Boards of Leading Virginia Colleges: Two Will Serve at University of Virginia and Two at Virginia Tech," by Virginia Waller Davis, Roanoke Times, August 16, 1944. This pdf document was created from an existing…

Newspaper article, "Women on College Board Full-Fledged Members: Attend First Meeting with Group Consistently Male for 72 years," by Virginia Waller Davis, Roanoke Times, August 15, 1944. This pdf document was created from an existing webpage from…

The third volume of the Tin Horn, the yearbook for and by the female students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Early women students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI) were not allowed to be in The Bugle yearbook. For several years after…

Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.

Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.

Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.

Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.

Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.

Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.

Original watercolor illustration created by Floyd Richard Vranian for the book Donning the Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Harry D. Temple.

This text is taken from the 1929 Tin Horn, the women's yearbook, including a description of a life for women students on campus. This pdf document was created from an existing webpage from the original 125th Anniversary digital exhibit.

Main Walk. Second Academic Building in background

View from the front campus.

Winter of 1930/31, viewed from the northeast

view looking northeast

First page of President Eggleston's final report to the Board of Visitors, reporting changes to the school and his resignation, July 1, 1919.

This is the text of a speech about the history of women on campus, given by Laura Jane Harper at the Founder's Day celebration in 1980. Harper was the first dean of the College of Home Economics. This pdf document was created from an existing webpage…

This memoir was written by Carroll M. Shuler (Class of 1928), around the time of his 92nd birthday and detail his time at the university in the mid-1920s. This pdf document was created from an existing webpage from the original 125th Anniversary…

Photograph of the Anatomy Class, spring 1892. From left, Newman, Gregory, Christian, Robert Cowardin, C. W. Courtland, Professor Smyth.

150th_095. Proposed WarMemHall.jpg
These architechtual drawings depict the proposed plans for War Memoial Hall and Gymnasium.

Architecural drawings of the old McBryde Building by Carneal and Johnston (Richmond, Va.), an architectural and engineering firm that often worked on buildings at VPI.

Portion of front page of The Virginia Tech, Vol. 4, No. 4, October 26, 1906 issue reports on the resignation of President McBryde. There is also an article on a coming performance of The Mikado and on the arrival of the Clemson football team.

Article from The Virginia Tech, reporting on the approval of the attendance of women at the school next academic session, January 27, 1921.

looking south - old Administration building

Photograph of Ben J. Davenport, Jr., rector of the Board of Visitors, 2004-2006

Rector: Harvey Black, M.D. Ex-Officio: His Excellency, G. C. Walker, Governor of Virginia; Hon. J. C. Taylor, Attorney General; Rev. W. H. Ruffner, D. D., Sup't of Public Instruction; Gen. W. H. F. Lee, President State Agricultural Society. Appointed…

Rector: Honorable James C. Taylor. Ex-Officio: Honorable R. R. Farr,Superintendent Public Instruction. General Members: Andrew Broaddus, Esq., Page; W. E. Hubbard, Esq., Buckingham; Dr. L. A. Slater, New Kent; Honorable J. C. Taylor, Montgomery;…
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