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Hungry Hill, Blacksburg, Virginia
men sitting & standing around the back of a Professor Lee's campus home. Built during V.P.I days
Laboratory workers in Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Photograph of two unidentifed study workers preparing food.
Laboratory and workers in Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Image of two unidentified study workers taken during the metabolic study.
Laboratory and workers in Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic University
Photograph of two unidentified study workers measuring out portions for the metabolic study.
Weighing food in laboratory during Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic University
Photograph of two unidentified study workers weighing and measuring out portions of food for the metabolic study.
Laboratory and workers in Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Image of two unidentified study workers measuring out portions for the metabolic study.
Laboratory worker using a mixer during Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic University
Photograph of an unidentifed laboratory worker using a food mixer.
Worker taking food out of oven in laboratory during Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic University
Image of an unidentified study worker taking food out of the oven, in a kitchen, for the metabolic study.
Workers preparing food servings during Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic University
Photograph taken of two unidentified study workers measuring out food portions in a kitchen.
Worker measuring liquid in laboratory during Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic University
Photograph taken of an unidentified worker measuring out liquid in a laboratory used for the metabolic study.
Workers preparing food during Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic University
Image of three unidentified study workers preparing food in a kitchen for the metabolic study.
Worker preparing food for Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Photograph taken of an unidentified study worker preparing food on the stove for the metabolic study.
Worker checking child's throat during Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic University
Photograph taken of an unidentified study worker medically examining two child study participants.
Child participant in Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Image of an unidentified child study participant eating at a table.
Children eating during Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Photograph of four unidentified child study participants eating at a table in the dining room.
Worker checks child's nails during Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Photograph taken of an unidentified study worker examining a child participant's nails.
Children lying on cots during Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Photograph of four unidentified child study participants in a bedroom with cots.
Children participants in Metabolic Study entering swimming pool
Photograph of unidentifed child study participants at a swimming pool.
Dining room and participants in Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
A group of unidentified study participants sitting together in a dining room.
Food and range in laboratory during Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic University
Photograph of portioned out food on top of a stove for the metabolic study.
Worker measuring food during Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic University
An unidentified worker is photographed measuring out portions of food for the metabolic study.
Laboratory and worker in Metabolic Study, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Photograph of an unidentifed laboratory worker, working in the laboratory during Dr. Laura J. Harper's metabolic study.
Children participants in Metabolic Study, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Photograph taken of unidentified child study participants, eating at tables in a dining room.
Children participants in Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Photograph taken of five unidentified child study participants.
Laboratory used for Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Image of one of the laboratories, with boxes of equipment on top of desks, used in the metabolic study.
Laboratory used for Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic Universtiy
Photograph of the laboratory used for the metabolic study taken from a different perspective.
Laboratory - Site of Metabolic Study conducted by Dr. Laura Jane Harper.
Photograph taken of the laboratory site used during Dr. Laura J. Harper's metabolic study.
Nancy Wakeman in Agnew Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia
Photograph of Nancy Wakeman sitting in an office inside of Agnew Hall, taken during the metabolic study.
Summer housing, Agnew Hall, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia
Photograph of summer housing, Agnew Hall taken during Dr. Laura J. Harper's metabolic study.
Summer housing, now Wallace Hall annex, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia
The Front view of summer housing, now Wallace hall. Photograph taken during Dr. Laura J. Harper's metabolic study.
Summer housing, now Wallace Hall annex, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia
Photograph taken during Dr. Laura J. Harper's metabolic study of the back view of summer housing, now Wallace Hall.
Alumni Gateway
Alumni Gateway after the burning of the Preston and Olin Building
Alumni Gateway and Old Shops
Alumni Gate and Ruins of the Shops (Preston and Olin Building)
Ceremony for the installation of the iron grillwork for the Alumni Gate
Alumni Gateway
VPI Battalion headed to VPI/VMI football game
Alumni Gateway
Alumni Gateway and Old Shops
Entrance to V.P.I., Blacksburg, VA
Barracks at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Barracks at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Baseball Player at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Baseball Player at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Baseball Field
Baseball Field
VPI Baseball Stadium
VPI Baseball Stadium
Cadet Playing Ukelele
Cadet Playing Ukelele
Automobile at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Automobile at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
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