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  • Subject is exactly "Virginia Polytechnic Institute"

Photograph of students waiting for the train, 1918.

Circus Tent on Drill Field for VPI's 50th Anniversary, which began leaking once it started raining.

Men gather around as V.P.I firemen worked to put out a fire at Blacksburg Hardware in downtown Blacksburg.

Photo from second story building window of police and crowds gathering to watch V.P.I. Cadets put out a fire in Blacksburg Hardware

Cadets work to put out a fire in the Blacksburg Hardware Store in 1923, V.P.I had the only fire department in the town of Blacksburg

A lovers lane shaded by Elm trees on the Main Walk in Blacksburg, VA

The first volume of the Tin Horn, the yearbook for and by the female students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

Early women students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI) were not allowed to be inThe Bugleyearbook. For several years after they…

Campus view of VPI development plan, printed in 1927.

The second volume of the Tin Horn, the yearbook for and by the female students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Early women students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI) were not allowed to be in The Bugle yearbook. For several years after…

This text is taken from the 1929 Tin Horn, the women's yearbook, including a description of a life for women students on campus. This pdf document was created from an existing webpage from the original 125th Anniversary digital exhibit.

The third volume of the Tin Horn, the yearbook for and by the female students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Early women students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI) were not allowed to be in The Bugle yearbook. For several years after…

The fourth and final volume of the Tin Horn, the yearbook for and by the female students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

Early women students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI) were not allowed to be inThe Bugleyearbook. For several years…

Water damaged soft ground sketch of War Memorial Gym

This photograph features "Pip" Cox (standing), Class of 1934, and "Dud" Shelhorse (reclining).

Picture of downtown Blacksburg from an upper window of Barracks No.4 at V.P.I

Panoramic map of VPI campus with buildings numbered and labeled.

The letter is from Mildred Tate to Mrs. Gillette inviting her to a dinner at Hillcrest, the women's dormitory at Virginia Tech, held by Mrs. White on September 11, 1940.

Members of the V.P.I. board of visitors, which met yesterday in a called session to draw up resolutions in an effort to correct certain conditions at the college, are pictured here together with Governor Colgate W. Darden, Jr., who met with the…

This newsletter descibes several different programs that the aeronautics department was offering in Aircraft Mechanics.

This newspaper clipping shows a photograph of the Virginia Tech Board of Vistors. R. L. McConnell, C. A. Boatwright, H. H. Walton, and Dr. M. P. Smith, who were the first women to join the Board of Visitors are pictured.

Newspaper article reporting on legislation to merge Virginia Polytechnic Institute and the State Teachers' College at Radford, Feburary 15, 1944.

This is the text from a June 21, 1944, Radford News Journal article the merger with Radford and moving women students to the Radford campus. This pdf document was created from an existing webpage from the original 125th Anniversary digital exhibit.

This is the text from a 1944 Roanoke Times article on the merger with Radford and the housing issues for women. This pdf document was created from an existing webpage from the original 125th Anniversary digital exhibit.

Newspaper article, "Women on College Board Full-Fledged Members: Attend First Meeting with Group Consistently Male for 72 years," by Virginia Waller Davis, Roanoke Times, August 15, 1944. This pdf document was created from an existing webpage from…

Newspaper article, "Four Women on Boards of Leading Virginia Colleges: Two Will Serve at University of Virginia and Two at Virginia Tech," by Virginia Waller Davis, Roanoke Times, August 16, 1944. This pdf document was created from an existing…

The Board of Visitors of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute who on Tuesday, June 27, assumed the administrative control of the Radford College which under the acts of its consolidation with the Virginia Polytechnic Institute became the Woman's…

This newspaper article discusses funding for V. P. I. that was approved by the Federal Works Administration. The funding was for the construction of several new building at the Radford Ordnance Works.

These clippings from "Locomotive Lady" by Robert M. Hyatt, Boston Herald-Tribune, contain a story about Carmen Venegas, VPI's first international woman graduate. The text and images depict her working on a railroad and other engineering duties, April…

This photo depicts the V. P. I. cheer team in 1947, prior to women being allowed to join.

Ella Agnew and Maude Wallace were home demonstration agents for Virginia Cooperative Extension and Mrs. Mary Moore Davis served as professor of the home economics department at Virginia Tech.

Portrait of Yvonne Rohran Tung from the 1950 Bugle

This newspaper article discusses the opening of a new dormitory at Virginia Tech. This dormitory was named after Lieutenant James Monteith, who was a Medal of Honor recipient.

Photograph of Owens Hall, December 1952.

This newspaper article describes the fire that broke out in the old library in 1953. Nothing was destoryed since all library materials had been moved several weeks before the fire broke out.

Fire at night in the originial library at V.P.I

The Virginia Tech Board of Visitors met at Blacksburg yesterday for its annual meeting. Shown (left to right, front row): Mrs. H. H. Walton, Fredericks Hall; Miss Mary Fred Claytor, Bedford; Mrs. R. L. McConnell, Radford; Mrs. Turner A. Gilmer,…

Newspaper article reporting on Virginia Tech's aquisition of a nuclear reactor simualtor for instruction, Janurary 1, 1956

Newspaper article reporting on the aquisition of urainium for the nuclear reactor at Virginia Tech, July 1, 1956

Photograph taken during Dr. Laura J. Harper's metabolic study of the back view of summer housing, now Wallace Hall.

The Front view of summer housing, now Wallace hall. Photograph taken during Dr. Laura J. Harper's metabolic study.

Photograph of Nancy Wakeman sitting in an office inside of Agnew Hall, taken during the metabolic study.

Photograph taken of the laboratory site used during Dr. Laura J. Harper's metabolic study.

Image of one of the laboratories, with boxes of equipment on top of desks, used in the metabolic study.
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