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  • Transcription is exactly "Certainly I was on the alumni board April 16th and that was very of course tough for everybody, but it was very unifying and gratifying to see how we all came together during that time.
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    Very sorry that that's what we're coming to that something like that happens now quarterly it seems like.
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    Cline: Can you tell me a little bit about what that was like about coming together in that way?
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    Moga: Um, you know April 16th happened and we had a board meeting a couple of weeks later, so we were here, the television trucks hadn't all left. You know of course it was very sad, and you just can't imagine anything like that happening, but it certainly scars you to the fact that it can happen, and that it's not the event that defines you, it's how you respond to the event. And I'm just so proud of how the Hokie nation did respond."
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